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Rainbow Runner Module & W2k

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  • Rainbow Runner Module & W2k

    Has anyone managed to get Rainbow Runner for Mystique 220 working on Windows 2000 ???

    Help desperitaly need it...


  • #2
    I Have one too. Don't hold your breath. The general opinion in this NG is that it is a museum piece and we should all get the latest toy.



    • #3
      Why it works just as well as the others !!!!



      • #4
        Hey none of the other capture products by matrox have win2000 drivers!!!yet. Being it is the same hardware as the g-series and marvell and the rrs has nt drivers we have hope after the G series gets drivers. And if they don't come out we have to start politely email matrox with our request. And then unpolitely, and then in unbearable choking numbers.

        Damnit Jim I'm a film maker, not a systems tech!
        Damnit Jim I'm a film maker, not a systems tech!


        • #5
          Yep true however I might also consider building my own or patching...


          • #6
            Guys, I'm not a party pooper, but the messages from Matrox for the last YEAR are that support for the RR-S is going to be dropped for future operating systems. They've already said that there won't be full support for NT4, I can't believe that they are going suddenly spring Win2K drivers out of fresh air.

            Haig told us a long time back that the way that the RR-S had been built could not support the demands of future operating systems. You can search the forums for more details, but that is the score and has been for a long time now.

            I'm all for giving Matrox a hard time where it is warranted (and have done many times in the past, ask the old hands). This time, I have to say that I think you are asking too much. RR-S was never designed with anything other than W95 in mind.


            • #7
              True however the RR-S works prefectly under Windows NT that was my previous OS..Therefore I will attempt to crate my own drivers...I will let you all know how I get one


              • #8

                You mean that you were able to capture 704 x 480 MJPEG @ 30fps like you can under Win95/98????????????


