I have a Marvel G200, which I use to watch TV while working on the PC. The problem is that the latest Video Tools hook directly into the master volume (the original Video Tools do not: they hook into Line-In and Aux). As a result, with the latest VT, I cannot adjust the PC-VCR volume independently of the system volume, which is highly undesirable when used with a PCI soundcard that is capable of multiple streams. For example, I may wish to simply turn down the volume of the TV feed without affecting the volume of the MP3 I want to hear. So I REALLY want to use the original VT that came on the CD, because that version allowed this kind of functionality.
I restored my machine with an archived image, which contains the original drivers that came with the Marvel. The display drivers are listed in Add/Remove, so I uninstalled them from there (leaving the original Video Tools installed), then installed the latest display drivers. However, PC-VCR will no longer launch: it complains (incorrectly) that I'm using a 4-bit palette.
I can't use the uninstaller (which would erradicate the 4-bit error message), because that nukes Video Tools as well: once I install the latest drivers, I cannot install the original version of Video Tools that came on the CD (install complains that Matrox drivers are not installed, and quits).
I can always quickly restore my image with the original drivers, so I have room to experiment: are there any suggestions to try in order to keep the original VT, yet still upgrade the display drivers? Or is there a hack to remap the hooks of the new VT from master volume to Line-In/Aux volume?
I restored my machine with an archived image, which contains the original drivers that came with the Marvel. The display drivers are listed in Add/Remove, so I uninstalled them from there (leaving the original Video Tools installed), then installed the latest display drivers. However, PC-VCR will no longer launch: it complains (incorrectly) that I'm using a 4-bit palette.
I can't use the uninstaller (which would erradicate the 4-bit error message), because that nukes Video Tools as well: once I install the latest drivers, I cannot install the original version of Video Tools that came on the CD (install complains that Matrox drivers are not installed, and quits).
I can always quickly restore my image with the original drivers, so I have room to experiment: are there any suggestions to try in order to keep the original VT, yet still upgrade the display drivers? Or is there a hack to remap the hooks of the new VT from master volume to Line-In/Aux volume?