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Zooming in on stills, and panning within the frame with MSP 5.2

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  • Zooming in on stills, and panning within the frame with MSP 5.2

    I know that in adobe you can choose what to show in the frame. So you could crop in on a guys head in a photo, then slowly zoom out to full frame all from a still. if you know what i mean.

    the demonstraition i saw on tv ages ago. someone tacked a drawn backdrop on top of shot of a car moving. In the final shot it started out on this quickly drawn sky then moved smoothly down to a car going by. its was cool.
    I have media studio pro 5.2 and was wondering if it can achieve something similar? I know i can display stills. but can i zoom in and add movement?

    I'm making a documentry on video games and violence i hope to post it when im done. But i'm using shots of the politicians (who banned night trap) and promo shots of PSX2, ect
    and would like to add movement extra. Hope you understand what i mean. if im babling please excuse me ive been awake far to long..

    right im off for a caffiene hit :OP

    thanks for your time
    Windows XP Pro + SP1 - Pentium 4 3.1gig - 1024mg DDR 333 2 cas - Thermaltake Xaser Case - Parhelia 128 - 3x Phillips TFT Monitors - Audigy 2 Platinum - 6.1 surround speakers - RTx100 - 5 HD 7200rpm (420gig) - Pioneer A03 - Partridge in a pear tree

  • #2
    Hi Good news. you can do this. click on moving path icon ( its the 1 with 2 perpendicular lines ( 10th icon in the second row)).
    Choose 2d ,hold down left button & drag to the clip.A window will open that will allow you to pan and/or zoom.
    zoom by changing width /height
    pan by moving x and/or y axis
    you can do this at any point by clicking on the arrows in the bar under the window and clicking on the " + " to set a point in the clip that you wish to adjust to zoom/pan to.
    eg. set a keyframe 180 frmes in ,set a keyframe, click the maintain aspect on, change width to double what it is.Click on the icon w/ red/blue/green stripes to see the picture and adjust x and y axis to suit.
    Sorry about long and difficult thread.


    • #3
      Just a guess; I'm not exactly sure what you're after...

      Try filming (or whatever) your shots in "layers," so that when you edit, you can key and mask transparent areas, then place the layers on top of each other with the proper "holes" to what's underneath.

      Then (or instead) you could add motion paths. Previewing in the motion path dialog box should get you a good idea of the motion that's going on. The motion path editor is really not my flavor-- not intuitive or powerful enough. I tried the trial Adobe After Effects-- now that program allows you to do just about anything.


      • #4
        ill try that later on
        the first reply was more what i was after.
        I did itry adobe once but it seemed totally dis-similar to ulead and for easu of use i went back to msp , guess ill have to learn it someday soon
        thanks again ill let you know how i get on
        Windows XP Pro + SP1 - Pentium 4 3.1gig - 1024mg DDR 333 2 cas - Thermaltake Xaser Case - Parhelia 128 - 3x Phillips TFT Monitors - Audigy 2 Platinum - 6.1 surround speakers - RTx100 - 5 HD 7200rpm (420gig) - Pioneer A03 - Partridge in a pear tree

