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Importing PC-VRC capture in Avid ?

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  • Importing PC-VRC capture in Avid ?

    I'm using Avid Cinema, so I guess you'll all agree that I'm quite a newbie
    Anyway, I captured some video with the PC-VRC (at highest quality), and would like to import this in Avid, to cut into pieces and do other things.
    When I try to do that (via the library and import function) it shows a progress bar and everything goes fine up to when I reach the point of 90-95% completion. Then the progress bar starts flickering, and nothing happens from then on. The only thing left is canceling (it is not really hanging).
    Anyone experienced with this ?


    AMD-K6-2-300, EPOX-58MVP3C-M,
    Marvel G400, 128MB mem, 30GB HD,
    W98, no overclocking
    AMD-K6-2-300, EPOX-58MVP3C-M,
    Marvel G400, 64MB+64MB(PC100+PC133), Maxtor DM40PLUS 30GB,
    W98 (no SE), currently no overclocking (FSB=100)

  • #2
    I have done some importing of raw AVI into Avid and it worked fine. I assume you are importing a format such as AVI that AVID recognizes?? Another thing to keep in mind is that when you import, AVID is making its own file of what you import so hard drive space could become a factor. Of course I see that your hard drive is sizable. How is it partitioned? I think the Quicktime format that AVID uses in its innards doesnt like anything larger than 704X580 (I think) might be a problem. Perhaps try importing something of equal length but less resolution and see what happens.


    • #3
      Copied from dchip (I think the Quicktime format that AVID uses in its innards doesnt like anything larger than 704X580 (I think) might be a problem. Perhaps try importing something of equal length but less resolution and see what happens. )

      That was my solution to your problem.

      Gigabyte GA-8IPE1000 Mother Board
      Intel 3.01GHZ CPU
      1024 mb KingMax DDR ram
      RT X10
      Millenium G550
      Main HDD Seagate 40gb
      2nd HDD Seagate 120gb
      Win XP SP2
      Adobe Premiere 6.5
      DVDWS 2
      Turtle Beach Santa Cruz
      DVD Burner Sony DRU-510A
      Sony HandycamDCR-PC100e


      • #4
        OK, thanks to you both, I will try this lower resolution thing out.
        The sad thing is though that I don't have the original tape of what I wanted to edit (was somebody elses), so the only thing I've got is what I had captured...
        Anyway I will try it with another tape.

        PS: HD partitioning could not be a problem: have a 20GB partition for capturing, benchmarked at ±15MB/sec.
        AMD-K6-2-300, EPOX-58MVP3C-M,
        Marvel G400, 64MB+64MB(PC100+PC133), Maxtor DM40PLUS 30GB,
        W98 (no SE), currently no overclocking (FSB=100)


        • #5
          I had the same problem, but by waiting for a long moment (drink a cup of tea, surf the net, mow the grass, etc.) the file was correctly imported.

          It is probably an other importation process that can not be properly show in progress bar.
          Maybe that AVID go through a final phase which it is difficult for him to show in the progress bar.

          [This message has been edited by fkieber (edited 08 March 2000).]


          • #6
            Hope it works MarkD.. fkieber also had interesting thought. You might want to try it all again and make sure your system isn't still working on the big file when it seems to have stopped. If you don't have a disk activity LED, try listening for the hard drive. It it read-writes every so often then fkieber is right on the money.


            • #7
              Well, even before I read fkiebers reply, I indeed tried to be a little more patient, had a cup of coffee, took a shower, went shopping, etc... and indeed : I found the clip nicely imported...
              I guess fkieber is rigth, probably there is a second process (converting and saving to Quicktime format ?) that is not properly indicated.
              The problem was that I tried this thing immediately on quite large files, for which the 'dead time' also becomes longer (the message box mentiones '40 seconds left' for longer than 10 minutes). And yes, there is hard disc activity during that time.
              Anyway, all thanks for your help in this (what appeared even not to be an) issue.
              AMD-K6-2-300, EPOX-58MVP3C-M,
              Marvel G400, 64MB+64MB(PC100+PC133), Maxtor DM40PLUS 30GB,
              W98 (no SE), currently no overclocking (FSB=100)

