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Unhide the buttons of the remote control

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  • Unhide the buttons of the remote control

    Well, my buttens were gone and i reinstalled all in the default directory. The system smiled and i had still no buttens.
    The Problems are some links in the registry, because of a trouble between long and short filenames.
    There is a possibility to shorten filenames by using an tilde~ or not. My defeault setting was to use NO tilde and thats the problem.
    I think the installation routinge of the matroxsoftware needs the tilde~ to set correct registry settings.

    CU Philipp

  • #2

    I know, everybody tells you to install in the default directory. Well, I refused...
    First time, surprise, surprise, no buttons. But installing a 2nd time (without uninstalling) gave me my buttons back ! (VT1.52)
    AMD-K6-2-300, EPOX-58MVP3C-M,
    Marvel G400, 64MB+64MB(PC100+PC133), Maxtor DM40PLUS 30GB,
    W98 (no SE), currently no overclocking (FSB=100)

