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Which DV Camcorder to buy ??? £1K to spend

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  • Which DV Camcorder to buy ??? £1K to spend

    I would appreciate any experiences the forum members have in relation to DV camcorders.

    I have recently had a look at the output from a DV camcorder and was very impressed with the quality. This has got me thinking again and I am now seriously considering moving from my Sony Hi8 to a DV based camcorder.

    I have allowed myself a budget of about £1,000 for the beastie and with the fast pace of the market place I would love to hear about other users experiences, especially in low light situations.

    I have a DC30+ so the ability to output to SVHS is vital ( no free PCI slots for a FireWire Card )

    This raises the next big question. Because I'm going to be stuck with SVHS input will I really benefit from a DV machine or will I have to get a FireWire card to see the benefits.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro

  • #2
    Hi Pooh,

    The S-Video that you'd get out of a digital camcorder is the same as the S-video that you'd get from an S-vhs or Hi-8. So unless you opted for something with better optics, you probably won't notice the difference at the PC end.

    So you'll need a DV capture card to match the quality of the camcorder.


    • #3

      Sorry Chris, I disagree...

      Everything else being equal, the S-video signal from a DV camcorder is "cleaner" than an S-video signal from an analog unit. The difference is noticeable.


      • #4
        Hi Patrick,

        I can't see any theoretical reason why that should be so, but I'll try and find time to do some comparative tests tomorrow. It'll have to go some to be worth a £1,000 don't ya think ?


        • #5
          Thanks for the initial feedback .

          Just to clarify the budget situation Chris. I would be selling on my analogue kit at the total new spend would be I reckon in the region of £600. You make a very valid point though. I may have many things in my life which I can burn, but money is not one of them. I am prepared to spend to get a real benefit but if the benefit will be marginal I am not going to throw £600 down the Swaney.

          The reason I am looking at this now is that one of my mates sent me a VHS video he took while on holiday that originated from his DV camcorder. I would have to say that the VHS copy was just as good at the original output from my Sony Hi8.

          Got me thinking, what would the quality be like from the DV camcorder if I inputed straight from S-Video from it.


          [This message has been edited by Pooh (edited 19 March 2000).]
          ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro


          • #6

            Are we allowed to use the "S" word here ?


            • #7
              Hi there,

              Quick thought, or question, really...?

              Wouldn't the Digital Camcorder still have better quality than analogue just based on the fact that you're making the recording to digital based medium, and you're not going to be copying to the semi-quality medium of analogue tape? Certainly then DV would be better coming straight through a IEEE 1394, but wouldn't the S-video input also look better than a basic analogue camcorder, since it's coming from such a higher quality source to begin with...?



              • #8
                Hi Pertti,

                Yep, feel free to use the "S" word. In fact, I'll be running thos comparatives from an "S" if I can find a way of doing it quickly. (I borrowed a TRV10e, which is pretty nice).

                BTW, going back to the old thread about which cam to buy, I shortlisted 4 in my price range (up to £700 UK). Sony TRV110 (D8), Panasonic NV DS11 (DV), JVC GRDVL20 and Canon DM MV200. All of them are the same approximate weight (700g without battery/tape, 950g with). All can be input-enabled EXCEPT the Pan, and it looks as tho this has been deliberately disabled at the factory and will not be "fixable".

                The Sony is around 30% wider and 20% longer than the others but has the nightshot capability (the low-light on the borrowed TRV10e is pretty impressive).

                Any way, I'm waiting until our local retailer has managed to get all 3 in stock so I can try and compare them. Hopefully this week sometime.


                • #9
                  Thanks Chris,

                  I'm already late for my appointment with the Sandman, but I think I can postpone the appointment for a little while longer

                  For any budget minded (not bathing in EUR:s) enthusiasts out there, the Sony Digital8 format is one solution to consider.

                  What are we looking for:
                  - Image quality at affordable prices.
                  - Connectivity

                  How many 3 CCD cams can we find at sub £1000 prices (comes to about $1000USD in real world, doesn't it ?)

                  The DV cams and the Digital8 ones are using a different media, but the same format.
                  The Digital8 one gives you the opportunity to play your old video8 and Hi8 tapes, and you have the opportunity to choose between 3 connections to use (Composite, S-video or Firewire).
                  The Digital8 can also (or can be enabled to) record through all those three connections into real DV format.

                  In the end, we are just talking about the differencies in the optics as far as the quality goes (Elie, remember we are not bathing in $$$$:s )

                  If you search the net for reviews on Digital8 cams - remember, most of them are based on NTSC models, and the PAL ones do have significantly better resolution.

                  As you probably guessed, I have recently become a proud owner of one PAL Sony TR7000, and after having used it for couple of months, I am still stunned at the quality (my old one was a Sony Hi8).



                  • #10
                    With the Asus P3B-1394 which has IEE1394 built onto the board maybe other boards will become available with these sockets as well. The Asus unfortuately only has 3 PCI, 1 AGP, 2 DIMMs and no ISA slots.

                    You can read about it at


                    [This message has been edited by salacious (edited 20 March 2000).]


                    • #11
                      Pertti: Is the video quality better with the D-8 on the final output onto VHS or were you talking about initial capture into the camera? I was under the impression that the optics were the same in the Digital-8 cameras as are the Hi-8 cameras.
                      Perspective cannot be taught. It must be learned.


                      • #12

                        I have actually been comparing the quality of the files on my HD:s, and there is a difference between the ones originating from Hi8 and D8.



                        • #13
                          I think I will go to my local Argos store ane get my hands on one of the Digital 8 beasties and give it a going over.

                          They have a 16 day no quibble money back policy anyway so there's no risk.

                          I'll let you know how I get on.

                          ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro


                          • #14
                            I have nothing against Argos but the cheapest they ain't.

                            I haven't checked Camcorder User recently but I think you should pick up a Sony TRV110e for around £550.00.


                            [This message has been edited by johnpr98 (edited 20 March 2000).]


                            • #15
                              Thanks for the info Johnpr98. I've got to be honest and say that I intend to take advantage of Argos's returns policy to try out the Digital8 machine and if I do want to get one for keeps then I would shop about for the best deal.

                              I'm sure that's not what their returns policy is designed for but what the hell, sometimes you've just got to be selfish and look after number one.



                              ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro

