I’m Emanuele, an Italian Matrox customer from more than 4 years ( excuse me for poor English). Memory from the times of the Rainbow Runner Studio that the driver of the card they had, in a way or the other, of the small defects that with passing of the time you of the Matrox are resolutions to resolve until arriving to the complete 3d/video solution that is the Marvel G400.
I have a Marvel G200 and I take advantage of it to full load for rendering 3d and for the assembly video and they are satisfied even if in order to find the just coupled one of Brightness/contrast/hue has been a problem. Still but they have not been in a position to resolving a problem: the black border that appears up to the video captured with the Motion-JPEG Matrox in video-out.
After several test they are joint to the conclusion that the captured video endures of the modifications, in fact the video is downshift of 13 pixel and rightshift of 7 pixel (measures carried out with special equipment).
More just the already present border in the images recorded on tape or transmitted in TV (hidden from the overscan of the TV) come added to the shift caused from the driver of Matrox capture.
The problem unfortunately persists with all your customers, many people finds this problem.
How can be resolved the problem? A new relase of the driver?
I repeat, I am Italian and therefore I do not know if the problem is understood, I pray you to correct the errors that are in the document because this " letter " will be inserted also in the forum of the Matrox.
Thanks to all, Emanuele.
I have a Marvel G200 and I take advantage of it to full load for rendering 3d and for the assembly video and they are satisfied even if in order to find the just coupled one of Brightness/contrast/hue has been a problem. Still but they have not been in a position to resolving a problem: the black border that appears up to the video captured with the Motion-JPEG Matrox in video-out.
After several test they are joint to the conclusion that the captured video endures of the modifications, in fact the video is downshift of 13 pixel and rightshift of 7 pixel (measures carried out with special equipment).
More just the already present border in the images recorded on tape or transmitted in TV (hidden from the overscan of the TV) come added to the shift caused from the driver of Matrox capture.
The problem unfortunately persists with all your customers, many people finds this problem.
How can be resolved the problem? A new relase of the driver?
I repeat, I am Italian and therefore I do not know if the problem is understood, I pray you to correct the errors that are in the document because this " letter " will be inserted also in the forum of the Matrox.
Thanks to all, Emanuele.