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sound - no pictures

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  • sound - no pictures

    The finish line was in sight and then - wham! The wedding video locked up bigtime. It took several re-boots to get the project to re-load and when it did one file - a crucial "at the altar" file - shows up as black frames on the timeline. Since audio is there but no video, I assume that the video exists somewhere in the computer brain - any tips on how to track it down?

    Last edited by MURP; 15 August 2001, 20:21.

  • #2
    I know this is probably a basic problem - I'm new to this.
    Can anyone help me out?

    Problem is - it's not my system - I'm just test-driving it on this project. And to make matters worse - the project was shot on broadcast betacam as a favour - had to borrow a player to capture video.

    I'd really like to avoid the hassles of borrowing a machine and re-capturing if there's another way .
    Last edited by MURP; 15 August 2001, 20:22.


    • #3
      Hi Murp does the video display if played with media player?
      maybe a little info about your borrowed system. capture card, sound card, processor, hard drive(s) capture and edit software (ulead?)


      • #4
        What editor are you using, i.e., MSP6 Premiere, AvidCinema? You may be able to relink the clip depending on the app. It sounds like you may have some dropped frames form your origianl capture. Smitty is right when trying to play the origianl clip in another player. Tyr to find the properties of the clip.

        Unfortunately it sounds like you may have to recapture it if it is in fact gone or hosed.

        One other thing, it may just be the preview file is bad. If you delete all preview files it may re-render that clip. Just a thought.

        By the way how did it look coming from Betacam. Pretty sweet I imagine. We have a bunch at work that we use with AVID NT Xpress machines, but I haven't tried it at home. Something about job security...
        WinXP Pro SP2 ABIT IC7 Intel P4 3.0E 1024M Corsair PC3200 DCDDR ATI AIW x800XT 2 Samsung SV1204H 120G HDs AudioTrak Prodigy 7.1 3Com NIC Cendyne DVR-105 DVD burner LG DVD/CD-RW burner Fortron FSP-300-60ATV PSU Cooled by Zalman Altec Lansing MX-5021


        • #5
          Thanks for your suggestions - I guess it would have made more sense to include specs first time out.

          These are the system specs I know about.
          rt 2000
          adobe premiere 5.1
          windows 98
          pentium 111
          786 mb ram
          maxtor Plus 40g
          highpoint 66 udma

          Not sure on the motherboard - I'll have to contact the system owner. He does have a program called Ulead Cool 3D if that's the Ulead you are referring to.

          I don't think re-rendering is going to help - it's not just an edited clip that's disappeared - it's all the video from that originally captured 5min file.

          How did it look on Betacam - great. Although at this point It would look even better to me on a darn VHS tape in the Bride's hands!

          Last edited by MURP; 16 August 2001, 04:13.


          • #6
            Sorry MURP, I've just got back from vacation and caught this while digging back. RT2000 is still a relatively rare piece of equipment so we don't have a huge user-base.

            Best bet would be either Doc Mordrid (as if he didn't already have enough to do) or Elie. Hope that one of them picks up on the thread


