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G40032MB - MJPEG doesn't work ???

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  • G40032MB - MJPEG doesn't work ???


    I recently upgraded from Marvel G200 to Millenium G400 Dual Head, 32MB. I was happy to find the extended graphics flexibility of G400, until I tried to play one of previously captured (with G200) MJPEG AVI's. I got a green screen, and a scrambled sound - noise.

    I tried capturing a MJPEG with G400, and when I play it back - same result.

    Uncompressed AVI's work fine. However, when I play MPG encoded files (created earlier from MJPEG AVI's ..) I have missing frames. As if the configuration is not capable anymore of online decoding MPG files.

    I have tried different versions of drivers and matrox video tools - same effect. I tried them with 95 and 98 - no luck. However, I have been told, that there is rigth combination of drivers and video tools that only work with G400 and RR-G.

    Does any one know what is this magic combination? Please help

    Related details of my configuration:

    PIII 450MHz, 64MB RAM
    HDD 10.1 IBM, 7200rpm
    G400 Dual Head 32MB, Rainbow Runner - G series

    Thanking in advance for your help

    Best regards

    PIII500, 64MB, 10.1 GB IBM 7200rpm,
    G400DH, 32MB + RR-G

  • #2
    10x, but unfortunately it didn't work. I've tried several drivers 525, 530, 541, 552 with VidTools 151 and 152 - same result.

    I also tried capturing using the Video Capture tool in the Media Studio Pro 5.0 pack. It captured NO frames displaying the following message:

    "Warning. No frames captured. Confirm that vertical sync interrputs are configured and enabled"

    Strangely enogh, I observed that MSPro5.0 can open those MJPEG AVI's and I can edit them, but I cannot play them.

    Please ANY ONE HELP !!!

    Would anyone prefer to write an e-mail, please use:

    Thanking in advance


    PIII450, 64MB
    HDD 10.1 IBM 7200rpm
    G400 32MB Dual Head
    PIII500, 64MB, 10.1 GB IBM 7200rpm,
    G400DH, 32MB + RR-G


    • #3
      I think that in view of Haigs comments about green screens and stuff recently that you should apply to Matrox for an RMA.

      Try doing a search on the forum for the string "RMA" over the last couple of weeks and you'll probably start seeing some similarities


      • #4
        PD 5.41 & VT 1.52!
        If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

        Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."

