I improved a little on the patch program; Besides YUY2, it now also enables MJPG on the official version of videotools. Moreover, it allows you to manually switch between Matrox / Morgan / Picvideo codecs. Uploading now, doc !!!
No announcement yet.
YUY2 / MJPG patch ready (Windows 2000)
Hey, Flying Dutchman...
It looks like you tools is going to be the must-have all-enabling tool for us poor crippled Marvel G200 users...
I'm happy to have "wettened" your programming appetite, and made you look into this..
Are we, "Registered Users"entitled to free updates of your little wonder?
Jokes apart, FD, where do you upload? I don't want to force you to e-mail me each time you retouch your enabler!
thanks again!
Ciao! Joe
New user who's been lurking for quite a while....
I'm very interested in your work on the Marvel G200 drivers. Where are you posting your modifications?
Win2000 SP2
Celeon 300a (oc'ed to 450)
Marvel G200 TV (NTSC)
Adaptec 29160n
3Com 990 & Intel Pro100b+
SB Live! (wishing Aureal didn't die....)
With the patch all formats (rgb, yuy2 and mjpg) are available on all current versions of the windows 2000 videotools.
This means that G400 users now have MJPG too...
As for the stability, I've found that YUY2 on driver version 2.02017 is less than impressive, even on my Asus CUSL2-C board which is probably the most stable in the world...Resistance is futile - Microborg will assimilate you.
Didn?t you say you were developing this fix for the latest drivers and VT? How do you like th 2.02.017 drivers? I'm using the latest supported drivers and VT (5.39.019 and 2.04.015) and was just wondering what differences you had noticed.
Thanks again!
Ant over at MURC would be the one to post new stuff to the D/L pages, and he's AWOL for a week. The wife & family kidnapped him for a vacation.
Catch him when he's back & I'm sure he can help you out.
Dr. MordridDr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
Ok guys. I put the latest version in the root of my new site (no, no content yet). Just click this link;
I'll duplicate this link in a fresh post so everyone can see it.
Dr. Mordrid
Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 29 August 2001, 17:24.Dr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
Is anybody else having trouble capturing in YUY2 under Win2k with a Marvel G200? Every time I start a capture, it locks the machine after a few seconds....
I'm running on an SMP machine, so that might have something to do with it, if all of you are running OK
BTW, I figured out where the code in the DLL hides those options, so if anyone is interested, I'll whip up a little program to patch the DLL permanently.
[EDIT]: Oh yeah, I'm using the release version of the VT's (2.04.015) if that makes a difference.
AlgoRhythmLast edited by AlgoRhythm; 29 August 2001, 18:50.
Hi again, everybody...
For Flying Dutchman, AlgoRythm & Dr. Mordrid...
For FD:
thanks again for your mail with your enabler... I've given it a try yesterday night and everything seems to work perfectly on the Official release, as far as activating menu options goes...
You probably need just to do a little cosmetic change to the text shown in your program's window: the current text refers only to YUY2 and doesn't take into account the expanded possibilities the tool now has... time for a "help" key?I know, it's overkill, but sometimes I get fanatic
Also, obviously, the MJPEG option shows up also with plain Official release install (I mean, without T-REX's tricks...), but we should AT LEAST copy the RRMJPEG.AX file, then register it and do the Registry modification, right? Or it will work without this trick (I doubt it will...). I did some MJPEG capture without the T-REX trick but with FD enabler in Official release, and the captured files seemed jerky to me like if they weren't using any hard MJPEG enc/dec.
For AlgoRythm:
I'm running everything in W2K Pro SP2 and I did an half frame, half an hour capture on my system, with no lock-ups at all... but new drivers under W2K have already shown to be very different in the way they work in different systems, you know
As far as permanent patch of dll goes... it's sure that lot of people will like something like that, even if I do share FD's point of view (Probably it's less than legal), but in the situation we've been left from Matr*x, they probably deserve it!
On the other hand, FD's tool has become *VERY* useful with codec's assign capabilities it has now, so I'd rather use that anyway and leave th DLL untouched but... again, I'm sure lot of people would like a permanent patch so, if you feel like doing it, GO Ahead!
For Dr. Mordrid
Doc, I know you are reading this! You seem to have some more pairs of eyes than humans usually get.. I wonder if you are actually human, given that you have so much information also on space era transportation...
Jokes apart, Doc, would you like, please give a peek to my post about Hard Disk 's speed in my system? I would appreciate your opinion very much!
thanks everybody for listening!
Joe Daring
PIII 800Mhz
256M ram
Marvel G200 TV (PAL, tuner added after the purchase)
SBLive! 5.1 (Forgive our sins, Dr.Mordrid )
IBM UltraATA 66 DeskStar HD
Sym810 SCSI Controller
Pioneer 104 DVD Player IDE
Yamaha 6416 CD-R/RW SCSI
Plextor PX40 SCSI
It captures MJPG perfectly without a RRMJPEG.AX using the official release of videotools... I use Picvideo for playback.
What do you use for disassembling? I am too lazy to really start debugging these DLL's, so I went for the "quick 'n dirty" method (simply send a ShowWindow() to the appropriate buttons).
The side-effect is that it's more or less version independant.
Can you supply "universal" search/replace sequences for permanent patches?
The program doesn't keep state yet of which codec is currently assigned to "dmb1" and "MJPG", so everytime the program is started, the "matrox" radiobuttons are highlighted.
I'll fix that next week, and I'll change the position of the dialogbox as well so that it appears directly beside the Matrox dialog (instead of on top of it...).
I currently use Picvideo for playback; I'm mainly making SVCD's so I don't need the BOB's output. MJPG input is good enough, currently, and YUY2 is unstable on my machine (crashes after 6 seconds). Maybe DirectX8 improves upon this, I haven't tried that one yet...Resistance is futile - Microborg will assimilate you.
Well, I stayed up for a few more hours last night, and it's not a problem with SMP. I'm starting to think it's a cooling issue. When I've captured in full-frame YUY2 under Win2k, right after it locks up, the back of my Marvel right behind the G200 is SCORCHING to the touch. So, I pointed a BIG fan inside the case (yeah, I also need to do something about all those cables and add a couple of fans), and it seemed to capture for quite a while longer. I also pulled the heatsink off the G200 and reapplied heat-conductive paste.
It hadn't occured to me to try anything other than 704x480 @ 29.97 fps. I'll try half size and see what happens.
FD, I'm using a cool program I found yesterday called PEDisasm. It only took me about 5 min. to find the offending code, and fix it. I can e-mail it to you, if you'd like. It comes as source code, and I had to build it myself, I can spare you the trouble. You basically run it on an EXE or DLL (anything in PE format), and it spits out EVERYTHING. You get all the resource entries, and in the disassembly it marks function calls with their Win32 API names. So, I just searched for the resource entry for the YUY2 radio selection, and in a couple of spots there is a call to GetDlgItem and one to ShowWindow with a zero (to hide it). So, I just changed the zero in ShowWindow to a one, and even though it does the check to disable it, it just enables it instead of disabling it.
I think it should be a fairly simple task to make a patch that will work with all the different versions. I'll probably look at all the different versions/languages just to make sure, though. It's highly likely that they're all the same, but even if it isn't, I could whip up some heuristics to still do it.
On another topic, I'm starting to think that the whole decision to not support G400+RRG and Marvel G200 with the ever-popular YUY2 format in Win2k is a purely political/marketing (read: sales-driving) decision. Why would I buy a new card if I can still use my G200 for full-frame YUY2 capture? Remember how Haig kept repeating that he couldn't comment on that one specific issue? Anyway, that's my opinion. (And, yes I've worked in the industry several years, and have had to deal with marketing types in the past)
[EDIT]: I fixed an incomplete hard-to-follow thought...Last edited by AlgoRhythm; 30 August 2001, 09:39.