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What is the best combination for G200 ?

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  • What is the best combination for G200 ?

    Hi everybody,

    I haven't kept myself updated of recent development for Marvel G200, due to the fact that I was kind of pissed of by the poor (lack of?) support Matr*x gave to their customers.
    But today, I checked the driver download page and saw that they FINALLY managed to release final W2k drivers for the Marvel G200, so I think I am going to re-use that good old card.

    Could anybody tell me what versions of software/drivers would make the following possible under Win2K:

    - MJPEG/YUY2/MJPEG capture
    - real time MPEG capture using a 3rd party MPEG CODEC
    - Macrovision disabled for both input and output

    - the icing on the cake would be to have the possibility to enable the Video Pass Through option that used to be available via a registry key in an old version of video tools.

    So, which versions of the drivers and the video tools do I need ? with which patch ? which MPEG CODEC works best for real-time capture ?

    Thank you for helping me. I got so upset with Matr*x in the past that I don't want to mess around trying all the possible combinations.


  • #2
    after posting this message, I realized that many people are trying to achieve the same as me, i.e. it does not seem to be so easy. Therefore, I might stick to Win98 if there is a way to do real-time MPEG captures with the G200. Just replace Win2K by Win98 in my previous post. Thanks in advance.


    • #3
      Windows 2000 and G200 Problems

      For similar reasons that you mention about the poor support from Matrox and after spending many hours downloading vid tools that have bugs in them and drivers that don't work I have decided to keep Windows 2000 and ditch my Matrox card. I'm off to buy a Pinnacle.


      • #4
        Tripca, I found out a way of capturing (if we can say) in mpg (mpg-1) with my G-200MarvelTV......
        I took clips (mpg or avi) from my HD or tv images or VHS via the Blue box and captured them with Adobe premiere6. then I found many mpg encoders that allow me to export .avi file (made by Matrox MJPG) to mpg (Mpeg-1) , recompress them so the ratio is still very good.. (I have many tests to do now and I will post them soon...) but LSX encoder (standalone or premiere plug-in gave me from 12mo file into a 5,7mo so... sounds good..)
        Now check these pages:

        My config is: p-2-350@392
        10G + 40G Hds
        G-200Marvel 16mo Driver 5.55 + 1.54
        Hope it could help you.....

        celeron 1.4ghz tualatin/Slot-T adapter/AX6BC/Matrox G-200 Marvel16mo/320Rams-133@100/SBLive oem/DR-CDrw 16X/Matsuhita cd-rom 32x/Raceleader FF wheel/WD Caviar 40G 7200 X 2 +Fuji 11G 5400 HDS/ Q71/Win98 top notch/DX9.0a/DSL/and faith in a good pc setup...


        • #5
          I thinkn he wanted realtime capture....

          to mpeg...under windows98, I had Cyberlink PCVCR v2.0 running but want impressed with the results.
          v3.0 wont run, and Haig (matrox) reckons it shouldnt.

          Your also aksing a lot for quality realtime capture to mpeg with a 300MHz PC.

          Might have to stick with MJPEG to 360x240 and then re-encoding using TMPEGEnc - the best freeware encoder (albiet the slowest) around...


          • #6

            I will agree that TMPGEnc isn't going to break any speed records, but do you remember BBMPEG? That was a slow encoder (free as well).

            It really isn't that bad, is it? Especially with the price.
            WinXP Pro SP2 ABIT IC7 Intel P4 3.0E 1024M Corsair PC3200 DCDDR ATI AIW x800XT 2 Samsung SV1204H 120G HDs AudioTrak Prodigy 7.1 3Com NIC Cendyne DVR-105 DVD burner LG DVD/CD-RW burner Fortron FSP-300-60ATV PSU Cooled by Zalman Altec Lansing MX-5021


            • #7
              Thank you all.

              I forgot to mention that my PC is an AMD Duron 850 with 384 MB of RAM. It looks like some people have achieved real time MPEG capture with Marvel G200 cards and CPUs higher than 600 Mhz, by using the YUY2 activation.

              Could anybody confirm this and let me know what kind of software/drivers they used ?


