I have a KG7-RAID and a Marvel G400-TV AGP card.
I'm not sure about some of the settings in my MB.
Here are some of the settings:
Video RAM Cachable
AGP Driving Strenghth (0000-00FF)
AGP Slew Rate Rise (slowest,slow,fast,fastest)
AGP Slew Rate Fall (slowest,slow,fast,fastest)
AGP Data Strength Strobes (0000-00FF)
AGP DataStrobe SlewRate Rise (slowest,slow,fast,fastest)
AGP DataStrobe SlewRate Fall (slowest,slow,fast,fastest)
AGP Apeture Size (32-256MB)
AGP ISA Aliasing
AGP Secondary Lat. Timer (00h-FFh)
AGP Fast Write
AGP Always Compensate
I'm not sure about some of the settings in my MB.
Here are some of the settings:
Video RAM Cachable
AGP Driving Strenghth (0000-00FF)
AGP Slew Rate Rise (slowest,slow,fast,fastest)
AGP Slew Rate Fall (slowest,slow,fast,fastest)
AGP Data Strength Strobes (0000-00FF)
AGP DataStrobe SlewRate Rise (slowest,slow,fast,fastest)
AGP DataStrobe SlewRate Fall (slowest,slow,fast,fastest)
AGP Apeture Size (32-256MB)
AGP ISA Aliasing
AGP Secondary Lat. Timer (00h-FFh)
AGP Fast Write
AGP Always Compensate