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OT: Folks, I need your help

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  • OT: Folks, I need your help


    First a little background.

    My niece Bonnie is married to a Palestinian-American (Christian-not Moslem) who is a nice enough lug, well educated, though a little unsophisticated. They have two beautiful, intelligent, sensitive daughters, 12 and 9.

    Tonight I recieved this message from Bonnie:

    "What do you tell a 12 year old little girl, when she is craddled in your arms crying because her friends call her a terrorist? When they call her a murderer? When they accuse her of wanting them dead? When they accuse her of being happy that thousands of people have died?

    How do you explain to a 12 year old that most people in this country are under-educated in world affairs, so they blindly believe what ever the TV tells them to believe? How do you take away the pain caused by stereo-typing, bigotry, ignorance, and hate?

    Could you please get me an answer as soon as possible. My little girl is hurting."

    I honestly don't know what to tell her that can help ease the pain they are feeling, other than that a lot of people are very angry right now and are lashing out at people they should know better than that.

    Any suggestions you can offer would be appreciated.


  • #2

    There is, unfortunately, no answer to man's inhumanity to man nor, even worse, children's inhumanity to children. The 39-45 war cut through my school years. We had in my class a Seiler and a Bauermeister (both 2nd generation Brits of Swiss-German origin) and a Maier (a German Jew whose family had fled with him in 1933 and had obtained British nationality in 1938). Do you think that we were kind to them, with so obviously German names? I'm ashamed to say that we were not.

    I have a close friend, Rolf Strauss, who was German Jewish refugee who was interned by the Brits at the beginning of the war. I never met him, although we corresponded, but one Paul Eisler was the same. Paul was the inventor of the printed circuit and Rolf was the inventor of automatic soldering machines. We owe all modern electronics to them. They were released later in the war and Paul made the proximity fuse in artillery and anti-aircraft shells possible. This certainly had an impact in shortening the war against Germany. Yet both these guys had their respective patents thrown out on minor technicalities and Paul died in utmost poverty.

    The UK was not alone in interning their own citizens because of their origin during the 39-45 war.

    I think I was in my late 20s when the film of "South Pacific" came out. I was impressed by the song which stated we had been taught to hate and, more generally, the exposure of racism, courageous in the 1950s. This still exists today, although the target may have changed. It is always human nature to seek a scapegoat for all the ills in this world and it is much easier to blame someone because he is different from "us", in some way or another, whether it be the colour of his skin, his religion, his morphology, his language or whatever. (his = his and her, of course, lest I be accused of sexist racism.)

    I have no message for your niece and grand-niece other than to explain the situation. At 12, she is possibly in mental turmoil as her body awakens and, with this on top, I can understand her anguish. However, she is old enough to understand and we can hope that she can hold her head up high, ignore her taunters (who are, by definition, not her friends) and consolidate her friendship with those who are above such petty behaviour, based on nothing. Above all, she must be made to understand that she is, in no way, inferior to these wretched creatures, even if they are in the majority. If she shows her feelings or responds when taunted, then the taunters have won. If she ignores the taunts, they will soon stop. Tough words, difficult to act on, I know.

    Unfortunately, the nations' (please note the plural possessive) leaders are those who start the taunting.

    Sorry I can't help further in this sad situation and I hope it will blow over quickly. In the meanwhile, we should all be careful in our language and not express hatred or animosity, especially in the presence of impressionable children who can suffer terribly from inconsiderate language.
    Brian (the devil incarnate)


    • #3

      A valuable perspective. Thank you, sir.



      • #4
        can the above message be reposted in the soapbox, I think it belongs there.


        • #5
          does it really matter that much?

