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RealTime MPEG compression

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  • RealTime MPEG compression

    Is there anyway I can do real time MPEG compression ?? My harddisk is running out of sapce !! If not is there a way to tweak the Zoran chip for higher compression ??

  • #2
    It mainly depends on the speed of your processor. With a PIII-500+, you should be able to do it with the right software (ie Ulead Media Studio Pro 6/Video Stuido 4). Also, you may want to look at the Divx codec, I'm still playing with it early on, but I can do 352x240 in realtime with my PII-400 using the YUY2 hack.



    • #3
      How do you actually capture directly to DivX? I can't seem to get any dialog box or options where to specify wich codec, I want to use for compression. Neither with the PC-VCR or AVI_IO!?! I can only capture MJPG or RGB.

      BTW: The YUY2-hack works just fine


      • #4
        Well, I've been using MSP 6, but as I said in the 'Divx question' thread, I don't think MSP likes Divx much. I tried VirtualDub 1.2a, and that managed to blue screen as soon as I hit capture. AVI_IO has the best luck, but I really and displeased that it can only do PCM for the Audio.



        • #5

          to do mp3 audio in realtime you need to install the Radium MP3 codec... the one that comes with Media Player will not let VFW programs encode with it.

          On my P3-500 running Win98SE I capture straight to 352x240x29.97 1200kbit Divx and 128kbit mp3 using AVI_IO, the Radium MP3 codec and DivX 3.1...


          in AVI_IO under the Video Settings menu, choose Compression and change it from No Recompression to DivX Fast Motion and that should be that....


          I would say used DivX depending on the size that you want to capture at... DivX can be very small at times...

          hope this helps


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          1.5M/256k ADSL
          Trusty Ol' Floppy


          • #6
            Thanks for the advice guys !! But can I use that in VCR mode ?? I need to record some program while on a holiday !! What do I set it up ??




            • #7

              Select RGB capture type instead of MJPEG, then go to your compression formats.


              Any suggestions on where to pick up the Radium MP3 codec?

              - Aryko


              • #8
                Ah, that might explain it. I thought "Capture Type" should be YUY2. I'll give it a try.

                I ran a search on Google, and found the Radium Codec (v1.263) here (882KB):


                • #9

                  Sounds like you need to look into "windows scripting" to setup a scheduled task and hope windows doesn't crash while waiting for the program's time to come :-)

                  There is an article in this month's PC Magazine, (May 9 issue, pgs 141-142) that might get you started.

                  If you set something up, make up an "idiots-guide" for it so others can benefit from your efforts.



                  • #10

                    I don't have any choices in the Video Settings menu. The only option is "No Recompression".
                    How do I fix this?

                    Marvel G400
                    Celeron 366
                    192 MB RAM
                    IBM ATA-66 HD (40GB alltogether)
                    Latest Matrox Drivers and YUY2 hack


                    • #11
                      Changing the capture type to RGB didn't enable me to capture to Divx or Mpeg4. The only option is Indeo 5.06, and thats it.

                      It doesn't seem like the dropdown box is working properly. Maybe my driver is corrupted.

                      Any suggestions?


                      • #12
                        The "dropdown" box is inded broken!!
                        It takes the first videocodec in system.ini!
                        Rearange in system.ini, ie the one you want first!!

                        INTEL PIII550 MSI 6163
                        G400Mill 32MB SGRAM + RRG
                        256 MB RAM CAS2
                        43GB HDD Space!(Actual 40GB) (13+30 Quantum drives)
                        Pioneer 104S DVD 10x CD 40x SLOT IN
                        SONY CRX100E 4/2/24 CDRW

                        If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                        Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                        • #13
                          You are absolutely right...changing the orders of the [drivers32] in system.ini worked! Now I can capture to DivX.

                          My system can't keep up though :/

