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Joining Mpeg4 Clips?

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  • Joining Mpeg4 Clips?

    I am using VirtualDub to render mjpeg to mpeg4, and am having some trouble getting the final product to one file. I can do it through vdub, but the only way I have figured out how requires rendering twice. Is there a way to just join the clips together? Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    If you have Premiere, put clips on timeline, turn OFF recompress-always feature and make single movie. This does not involve recompression.

    MSPRO 5 required from you to specify exactly the same encoding parameters that were used while making original video. Otherwize it does recompression of every piece that has different encoding settings. Premiere simply attaches one movie to another.



    • #3
      I found a way around the problem I was having. I just do my caps in AVI_IO now. PCVCR was making slight differences in frame rates that was making it hard to append files. For what I'm doing, most NLE software is way overkill. Thanks again for the help.


      • #4
        Prospero or anyone: I'm curious as to what else you are doing to get the clips to append. I have a bunch of huge captures I made with AVI_IO a few months ago. They are all 29.970 fps exactly, and Virtualdub complains that the segments do not belong to the same video clip when I attempt to append them. At this point I am getting ready to write a simple utility that will manually change the AVI header to fake out virtualdub into thinking it created the segments, though I would like to avoid that step if possible.


        • #5
          When AVI_IO saves a capture that spans multiple files, it gives me a file name like this capture.00.avi then capture.01.avi. These have so far, appended in virtualdub with no problems. I'm just using the append file feature on the pull down menu. Are the files your trying to append different names? Everything I am doing is off the same capture session, with the same sequential file names and numbers. Are you using the registered version of AV_IO? The shareware version is limited to three files. Are you trying to append seperate captures? I'm not sure if that would make a difference. Good luck Walrus.


          • #6
            Prospero: My capture files originate from the same capture session, but I edited the start and end files to get rid of initial and end dead-space. Oh well, I emailed Avery Lee along with some other feedback, discussion, with luck I'll get an answer. Again, worse comes to worse, I can write my own util to add in Virtualdub's segment markers to the AVI headers.

