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Windows XP Drivers and WIn2K

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  • Windows XP Drivers and WIn2K


    I was just wundering why isnt planning on making drivers for the windows xp operating system? also which win2k display drivers/vtools/powerdesk do i install on a Windows XP operating system?

    I also want to mention somthing. I have used win2k before with my matrox marvel G400-tv card and did matrox fix the frame driping issue in win2k yet? It tends to drop frames about 3-4 frames every 5 seconds. Yes i tryed everything from defragging, rebooting, closing ALL apps,scandisk. ia lso tryed various install versions from old to new. This is my systems specs.

    Asus motherboard
    PIII 750
    256 SDRAM PC-133
    Maxtor 30gig 7200rpm
    Matrox Marvel G400 TV
    Vtools v.2.4.15
    Powerdesk v.5.39.19

    Are there any fixes for this issue or is it just a bug? also since there are no XP drivers which are FINAL. Will the win2k drivers give me problems in winxp like it did in win2k?

    One last thing.. I am using windows 98 se at the moment. It worked before but for some reason it stoped. Whenever i do a tv out with the duelhead to view my videos full screen on my tv. The sound is gone. I get no sound output to my tv or stereo. All my volumes are set correct, and to make sure i even put them ALL up 100%. (note: there are no hardware conflicts. It worked the other day just a setting im sure i cant figure out, how dou all do this out to tv thing?)
    Last edited by omega; 13 October 2001, 05:57.