I'm using VirtualDub and MSP together for the moment: filtering in VD and then playing back the AVIs in MSP (cutlist previewing).
I've got a RR-G with a dual-head G400.
I've noticed two things: when I've saved an AVI (filtered) in VDub, I need to close the
program and THEN open MSP - otherwise I don't get a video signal out from the VCR to the TV! Anybody know why this is happening? It's as if VDub grabs command over the second display (the VCR->TV) and MSP can't get it back until VDub has been closed and MSP re-opened.
Second thing: are there any tips on what
values to choose for the memory and disk buffer sizes? I've got somewhat jittery playback from MSP using cutlist previewing.
I've already done the best I can as far as setting the temp directory etc.
I'm using VirtualDub and MSP together for the moment: filtering in VD and then playing back the AVIs in MSP (cutlist previewing).
I've got a RR-G with a dual-head G400.
I've noticed two things: when I've saved an AVI (filtered) in VDub, I need to close the
program and THEN open MSP - otherwise I don't get a video signal out from the VCR to the TV! Anybody know why this is happening? It's as if VDub grabs command over the second display (the VCR->TV) and MSP can't get it back until VDub has been closed and MSP re-opened.
Second thing: are there any tips on what
values to choose for the memory and disk buffer sizes? I've got somewhat jittery playback from MSP using cutlist previewing.
I've already done the best I can as far as setting the temp directory etc.