Some time back, I asked what to do if you cannot set up the system to how you want/need . See http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/Forum2/HTML/003782.html
After wasting inordinate amounts of time, removing everything I could see that was video related from the registry and the hard disks and then re-installing the old PowerDesk/VideoTools, with no greater success (still the same message), I decided to do a cold re-install. I totally erased Windows and reinstalled with WIN 98SE, plus reinstalling the apps, of course, with the latest versions. Since this time, everything has worked.
I'm none the wiser what happened that totally buggered up G200-Marvel.
If you get this message about something else using video when you know damn well this ain't so, and simple cures don't work, then don't waste your time un- and re-installing. Delete Windows and reinstall everything: it's faster (voice of bitter experience )
Brian (the terrible)
[This message has been edited by Brian Ellis (edited 29 April 2000).]
Some time back, I asked what to do if you cannot set up the system to how you want/need . See http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/Forum2/HTML/003782.html
After wasting inordinate amounts of time, removing everything I could see that was video related from the registry and the hard disks and then re-installing the old PowerDesk/VideoTools, with no greater success (still the same message), I decided to do a cold re-install. I totally erased Windows and reinstalled with WIN 98SE, plus reinstalling the apps, of course, with the latest versions. Since this time, everything has worked.
I'm none the wiser what happened that totally buggered up G200-Marvel.
If you get this message about something else using video when you know damn well this ain't so, and simple cures don't work, then don't waste your time un- and re-installing. Delete Windows and reinstall everything: it's faster (voice of bitter experience )
Brian (the terrible)
[This message has been edited by Brian Ellis (edited 29 April 2000).]