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Marvel G200 and Windows 2000

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  • Marvel G200 and Windows 2000

    Hello all,

    I experience problems with W2k SP2 and my Marvel G200.
    The normal operation of the card works fine using the 5.39 driver version. I even get a more brilliant picture then with the old Win98 drivers.

    The problem is the video capturing. I installed the latest videotools (w2ktv204.exe) which went fine. But when starting the videotool the screen stays black. (checked all settings ofcourse) Neither the s-VHS or composite will give any picture.
    Also trying to capture any video with Adobe Premiere 6.01 won't work. It shows me the matrox capture driver but the screen stays black.

    Also the connection tool does not work. It starts up and shows a screen with some warnings that no TV tuner is detected. WHen pressing the ok button nothing else happened.

    I updated the bios of the card to version 3.3.034 but no result.

    The I used the uninstall tool from Matrox to uninstall all drivers which worked fine unless this uninstalled a lot more. I could reinstall all drivers and the videotools but when I start the videotool now it gives me a "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error" and it quits.
    Also Adobe Premiere does not work anymore. It stops also with all kind of errors.

    Does anyone have a tip or solution for me.
    Thanks for your time and help
    Maurice Hoeneveld
    Technical System Engineer
    E-mail :

    Hogeschool voor Economische Studies
    Kralingse Zoom 91
    Postbus 4030
    3006 AA Rotterdam
    The Netherlands

  • #2
    The problem is most likely that the G200 is not supported for W2k.

    There are work arounds, you will find "leaked" drivers and a "patch" for VT2.04 in the drivers section off this site's home page. Many have found one of theses solutions works well. If you have been able to install 5.39 and remain stable you are likley to be able to get one of these fixes to work.

    The problem is the MJPEG codec and W2k. Therefore the VT2.04 final does not support MJPEG. You will find a wealth of posts about this issue in this forum and I suggest you search for G200 and windows 2000 and read some of the others experiences. You will find all you need to know and much more in previous posts.

    It is also recommeded to capture using 3rd party applications such as AVI_IO (trial avaiable with most functions working) and Virtual Dub (Freeware). I would also recommed getting the HuffYUV codec and the Flying Dutchmans YUV patch for the Marvel, both available from the links off the home page. These are for general purposes and not related to the MJPEG issue.

