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Capture video using Marvel G400 /Win2000??

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  • Capture video using Marvel G400 /Win2000??

    Hi - I have the flying dutchmans hacks and 5.39 drivers.

    Capture to avi etc works but capturing using MS Media encoder/Realproducer etc crash the PC, I understand its a known Vidcap problem.

    I want to use Showshifter or similar to capture TV and need to be able to capture using one of these programes as far as I can see.

    Anyone found a combination of drivers/hacks etc to work?

  • #2

    Here's my experience...

    I use Showshifter and the Marvel G400. I've attempted every Windows OS combination with every driver set and have come to the conclusion that the only workable scenario is Win98se/ME. In 2K (and XP if you take the time to get the drivers to work) you end up being stuck using generic WDM drivers that don't allow you to select the channel through the main user interface. This is fine if you're using a cable box and a serial connection to it (one of the coolest features of Showshifter) but not workable if you plan to view off of your antenna or use the built in tuner.

    Other than that, it -does- work. You have to get a different DVD player to work with the system since the Ravisent one doesn't support NT OSes.

    Showshifter is amazing, so I would suggest going with 98se or ME. I've had excellent luck with it, minus an irritating problem with it starting in PAL, which I appear to be the only person to experience.

    I'd be interested in hearing from others who have tried this.



    • #3
      i have een vp6 w2k sp2 via 4-34 powerdesk 5.39.019 video tools 2.04.05 van this site it works great i can capture my tv works great my duel head works great i have no probleems

