Dear Haig & others,
I hope my hard sweat will be of use to others with similar probs
(PCVCR crashing taking windows out on playback)
After all chistmas playing with many re-installations, I finally
got G450etv & win ME stable with ABIT KT7A mobo,
and 1.2Ghz athalon/256M ram.HDD IBM 60G deskstar @ 39Mbyte/s.(with HD tach 2.62, matrox HDD tester is WRONG@22MB/s)
The trick is DO NOT use directx 8.1, do NOT use PCI latency patch(from, but USE latest VIA 4-in-1 drivers
and put them in BEFORE matrox install
the order is
1.fdisk/format C: /s
2.Install win ME (comes up in std VGA mode)
3.Install Sblive 5.1 (with 5.1 spkr option, NO lava player)
5.Install VIA 4-in-1 drivers vs 4.37 (puts DMA ON all HDDs & DVD)
6.Install directx 8.0a
7.Install Matrox video drivers PC tools and DVD player etc.
(current 98/ME versions)
tune TV chans manually using channel ADD(number enter)/search, not by connect application.
That's it!
PAL capture quality(MPEG2 PalD1704x586) is excellent, knocks spots off my ATI AIW.
My system has neen stable now for a whole week!
(with subsequent installs of premiere6,firewire TI-chipset card and scenalyser live working)
note:SBlive card must not be in shared IRQ slot ie NOT
next ISA nor AGP PCI slot.
I hope my hard sweat will be of use to others with similar probs
(PCVCR crashing taking windows out on playback)
After all chistmas playing with many re-installations, I finally
got G450etv & win ME stable with ABIT KT7A mobo,
and 1.2Ghz athalon/256M ram.HDD IBM 60G deskstar @ 39Mbyte/s.(with HD tach 2.62, matrox HDD tester is WRONG@22MB/s)
The trick is DO NOT use directx 8.1, do NOT use PCI latency patch(from, but USE latest VIA 4-in-1 drivers
and put them in BEFORE matrox install
the order is
1.fdisk/format C: /s
2.Install win ME (comes up in std VGA mode)
3.Install Sblive 5.1 (with 5.1 spkr option, NO lava player)
5.Install VIA 4-in-1 drivers vs 4.37 (puts DMA ON all HDDs & DVD)
6.Install directx 8.0a
7.Install Matrox video drivers PC tools and DVD player etc.
(current 98/ME versions)
tune TV chans manually using channel ADD(number enter)/search, not by connect application.
That's it!
PAL capture quality(MPEG2 PalD1704x586) is excellent, knocks spots off my ATI AIW.
My system has neen stable now for a whole week!
(with subsequent installs of premiere6,firewire TI-chipset card and scenalyser live working)
note:SBlive card must not be in shared IRQ slot ie NOT
next ISA nor AGP PCI slot.