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Reasons for Win2k over Win98SE w/ Marvel

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  • #16
    Hi FD,

    Thank you for the reply. I have the TV working now. But the only thing that I did was a complete switch-off of the computer with its physical unpluging from 220V. Well, I also found some FAQ in Matrox TechForum which said "Blank screen in W2K". I downloaded some .sys file, located it's twin in Windows directory and substituted it. I do not know what helped.

    Now I noticed that the picture in W2K is darker. I assume that the amplitude of the signal is changed somehow. I say it also because I always had a line synchronization problem with TV5 channel, probably due to SECAM to PAL conversion, and whenever a picture had a lot of bright white. Now there seems no sync problem.

    Just in case, I have PIII-1000, 256 MB, 15+40GB, CDR, DVD, SBLive+daughter, 2 PCI network cards (3Com + noname) for cable modem and home network.
    Runs under W2K SP1.

    BTW, do I need to switch to SP2 or 3?

    Thanks once again.


    • #17
      Well I am about 90% complete. Looks really good so far, MSP 6 is working like a dream once again with the TV output. All devices and drivers seem to be working reliably to this point.

      I forgot how much there is to tweak in Win98...I've been spending more time dorking around than anything today. There is a really cool program called x-setup from x-teq that is free and lets you really strangle the crap out of all Windows versions. Stupid little things like MSN Messenger opening everytime I check my email...gone.

      I also made to images of the install with Norton Ghost. Never used it before, very nice program. It even let me burn the images straight to my CD burner in DOS. I was very impressed. I did one bare Win98Se install and a full one with most of my SW. I think that the wife was ready to kill me, it took almost 2 days to get back up and running 100%. Not again.

      Win2k is very nice, but for compatability Win98SE is the standard (atleast for old crap )
      WinXP Pro SP2 ABIT IC7 Intel P4 3.0E 1024M Corsair PC3200 DCDDR ATI AIW x800XT 2 Samsung SV1204H 120G HDs AudioTrak Prodigy 7.1 3Com NIC Cendyne DVR-105 DVD burner LG DVD/CD-RW burner Fortron FSP-300-60ATV PSU Cooled by Zalman Altec Lansing MX-5021


      • #18
        WIN2k and WIN98se editing differences

        My observation are as follows:

        Win2k editing with Premiere4.2 or 5 or 6. Scrubbing the time line the video pops up much quicker in 2k, so thats handy. However it doesnt like jumping on the time line from one piece of footage to the next. Quirky problem with no work arounds.

        Any type of video - including DIVX can jam in 2k and requires you to grab the time bar and wiggle it to get video to roll.

        However one success story in 2k is After Effects 5. It works much quicker than in 98se.

        98Se Premiere 4.2 is my choice for editing because it gives quicker update speeds in preview mode and the preview works. Prem 5 or 6 forget it.

        Win2k doesnt like huffman capture or playback in my opinion. AVIO complains when you try to use it. So back to win98 for huffman capture.

        If anyone knows any reasons why the above happens to me please let me know.

