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  • Win2k-MarvelG200-UDMA-VidTools

    First my specs:
    K6-2 450 on Asus P5A-B (100MHz FSB)
    128MB PC100 DRAM
    Maxtor 7GB HD and WD 10GB HD (primary)
    Ricoh 9060a CD-RW/DVD (secondary, master)
    Matrox Marvel G200
    Creative Labs SBLive! Value

    Everything works WONDERFULLY in Win98SE.
    My problem with Windows 2000 is never ending however.
    It runs decent for a while, then suddenly, with no warning, reboots... no
    BSOD, no error, just down... then I have bios screens and it begins to
    This happens EVERY time I have run Win2k unless I happened to reboot it
    manually before it happens.
    I am running the latest beta 5.06 PD drivers and the beta 2kvt200e vidtools.
    That's another problem.... the vidtools don't work - AT ALL...
    Every time I try to run the PC Remote or the Quick Connect it freezes the
    machine or causes the immediate reboot...

    I am thinking also that the AGP drivers for the Ali chipset might be defunct, but I still get the crashes with or without the beta win2k AGP driver from the Ali website.

    Also while I'm asking... has anyone else been able to get UDMA working in
    Win2k on an Ali chipset mobo? Ali doesn't provide its own win2k ide
    busmastering drivers and the default microsoft one is only allowing UDMA on
    the Master Primary.. everything else is running only at PIO Mode 4...
    CLUNKY... it sucks...

    If anyone has any insight as to how to get this stuff solved let me know...
    I'm all ears!


  • #2
    Zampa: I can't help you too much here, except to confirm that the random lock-ups appear to be unrelated to your Ali chipset. (I'm getting them on a dual-processor BX chipset with Celerons) Though in my case it's always just a system freeze. As for the freeze when doing quick connect, are you sure you have the correct power desk actually installed? Check the driver version numbers in device driver properties. I've found that the Power Desk installer for this beta does not do a good job of removing the default W2K drivers. If PCVCR freezes on "Initializing toolbars" this is probably your situation. Read the other main thread about W2K drivers to see my solution to this problem.


    • #3
      Well I can rule out my memory going bad because everything runs great in win98... I can actually keep 98se running straight for 3 days with no lockups w/o rebooting... BUT there are progs that I need to run in Win2k that keeps me trying to get it working!

      Yeah I turned off the check for "Automatically reboot upon errors" in Startup and Recovery and that seemed to stop total rebooting but not all the time... still have yet to see a BSOD fault dump in Win2k... always a freeze like you said...

      I have the latest beta and I tried everything you said...

      I think that it has to be the drivers... they are the only thing that seem to cause the problems... One guy told me his sblive caused all win2k problems but I don't believe it...

      I just hope that Matrox gets cracking hard on getting stable at least vidtools in Win2k cuz it would be nice to use win2k more than 98se... but without stability, why would anyone use Win2k??



      • #4
        Well, I had similar problem with the vidtool when I opened it up. I guess you tried this but try install the vidtools again without uninstall the old drivers. Cause when I installed both the display drivers and the vidtools at a time, I did it without rebooting after each install. So this helped me.

        /Mr. Smultronsvin

