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Intel & RAMBUS, chapter 2

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  • Intel & RAMBUS, chapter 2

    It wasn't bad enough that the attempt by Intel to jam RAMBUS memory (RIMM's) down the markets throat with the i8xx chisets failed miserably when the RIMM's couldn't be produced in high enough volumes and were marketed at highly inflated prices.

    Intel ended up having to provide SDRAM compatability for the i8xx's, and the recent failure of that little exercise will cost them and their stockholders almost $100 million in recall costs.

    Now there's another problem for them to worry about.

    The memory manufacturers recently walked out of a meeting with Intel, refusing to make larger quantities of RIMM's until the OEM's commit to long term production contracts. The OEM's are not exactly falling all over themselves to do this.

    This of course leaves Intel and their i8xx chipsets a bit in the lurch. This also means their many of Intels upcoming processor lines are in trouble as RIMM memory was an integral part of their design from the get-go.

    Meanwhile AMD is sitting back, ready to release 10 new processors in June. Their chips can run on 133mhz SDRAM and DD-SDRAM, both of which will be cheaper than RIMM's. DD-SDRAM (2x SDRAM) will be coming to market soon and QD-SDRAM (4x SDRAM) has already been announced.

    And then there is AMD SledgeHammer 64 bit x86 processor. It can run existing 32 bit software in addition to 64 bit coded software. Intels upcoming 64 bit processor cannot.

    For some good reasons to pass up RIMM memory even after the i8xx chipsets are fixed read this article and the tests done at Toms Hardware:

    The reasons run from economic to performance to what is just plain wrong witih RAMBUS's behaviour in the market.

    Dr. Mordrid

    [This message has been edited by DrMordrid (edited 22 May 2000).]

  • #2
    When that Intel recall story broke I watched my tech stocks take a hit (and the slide continues) but, I did not have any Intel and I did not feel bad for Intel. They got what they deserved for trying to stifle their worthy competition with a proprietary memory format. Who knows what these latest developments will do to prices in the near future. I think I might just snag me another 128MB PC100 while I can. That should hold me for a while.


    • #3
      I feel the same. I've got 256 megs in my main system and at least 128 megs in all the others so I'm set for a while.

      One thing in Toms test really gave me a giggle. He used an Asus P3B-F (which is what I use) with 133mhz memory and an O/C'ed PIII. It ended up outperforming a dual channel RAMBUS setup by a lot. That while the P3B-F was using an "outdated" 440BX chipset and costing a ton less ;-))

      Given that tidbit my next major rebuild will likely be based on a SledgeHammer (or whatever the final name is). I'll have some time to save up for QD-SDRAM ;-))

      Dr. Mordrid

      [This message has been edited by DrMordrid (edited 22 May 2000).]


      • #4
        I am not one to search for reasons to dislike a company but Intels recent tactics don't sit well with me at all. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of Intel CPU's over the years. I bought them because I really felt (knew) there was no better chip. Even on this P-III purchase last Fall I still felt that, but, a "Sledgehammer" is likely in my future too. I agree with Tom; finally a great name for a CPU. Sledgehammer must surely be a message from AMD to the fat cats at Intel. We all know what sledgehammers are used for. "Long live clean, healthy competition."

        [This message has been edited by dchip (edited 22 May 2000).]


        • #5

          Intel's wrong move is ""RAMBUgS"" , this will cost them dearly . If i815E cannot save them , they will lose out the chipset market even futher . VIA owns 40% from a report i see .

          Further PC " AMD Inside "


          • #6
            They better get it right this time, I have been waiting a YEAR for a mobo upgrade already.

            The latest bios update on my P2B-S got rid of the last remaining bug with it, and the board is no fun no more

            Intel, just give us AGP4x, PC133, UDMA66 and keep the SATA100 for your next foul-up.

