HMVC=hardware mjpeg video capture...hi. this is really wierd. of course, using either of these products under windows means you have to deal with a 2 or 4 gig limit, then your files become split, you loose frames between files and all this. I have read all the optimization faqs so that is not the problem. right now I have the mystique220(4meg version) rrstudio combo installed. the mainboard is an abit kt7a with 512megs of ram/athlon 1.4ghz. the harddrives and cdrom drives, all scsi, plextor etc, the hds are 7200rpm and 10,000rpm so they are not the problem. drivers are the latest for this card, 1677_431 powerdesk, rrstudio capture software is rr210eng.
so when I capture on a clean install, with the these drivers installed, AND I DO NOT RUN THE CONFIG HD BENCHMARK UTIL IN THE MATROX START MENU ON A CLEAN INSTALL OF WIN98SE, I can capture at all the mjpeg quality options/settings. when I run the benchmark util, the system is immediately crippled to 352x480 high quality mjpeg with no recourse. the problem is obviously in the registry. it appears, the hd benchmark utility is telling the registry the hds are not capable of handling the highest data rate (704x480 or 3.1meg/sec dtr with all quality settings cranked to the max) when the capture drives I am using are capable of sustained data transfer rates of 10+ MBs/sec. please, tell me, where is this exact setting in the registry so I can manual tweek it?
I have installed several times over the months and because matrox decided to not support the hardware mjpeg capture under windows 2000, I am stuck with this hardware under the very limited win98 platform if I want hardware mjpeg capture. however, at least there is linux. I have not tried it yet but am very interested in doing so. right now, the registry editing I need help with. please respond asap.
so when I capture on a clean install, with the these drivers installed, AND I DO NOT RUN THE CONFIG HD BENCHMARK UTIL IN THE MATROX START MENU ON A CLEAN INSTALL OF WIN98SE, I can capture at all the mjpeg quality options/settings. when I run the benchmark util, the system is immediately crippled to 352x480 high quality mjpeg with no recourse. the problem is obviously in the registry. it appears, the hd benchmark utility is telling the registry the hds are not capable of handling the highest data rate (704x480 or 3.1meg/sec dtr with all quality settings cranked to the max) when the capture drives I am using are capable of sustained data transfer rates of 10+ MBs/sec. please, tell me, where is this exact setting in the registry so I can manual tweek it?
I have installed several times over the months and because matrox decided to not support the hardware mjpeg capture under windows 2000, I am stuck with this hardware under the very limited win98 platform if I want hardware mjpeg capture. however, at least there is linux. I have not tried it yet but am very interested in doing so. right now, the registry editing I need help with. please respond asap.