I was wondering, is there any way I can use MP3 files in Premiere? As of the moment, I can only change the MP3's into WAV's and use them that way, but that takes alot more HD space. Is there a plug-in or something that can fix this?
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Using MP3's with Premiere
If the Premiere could handle MP3, I would abandon MSP6 and go back to Premiere.
Not a long time ago I posted the same question here: http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/Forum2/HTML/004010.html but my/our problem was not solved, so I convert my MP3s to WAV, like you do. It's only a question of harddisk space. (and a litle extra work)
Sometimes I convert my final AVI to a new AVI with MP3 audio compression. For this the Virtual Dub is nice to use.
Maybe Premiere has a solution? Let us know
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