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Titling slow-going in Premiere & a real pain!

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  • Titling slow-going in Premiere & a real pain!

    TitleExpress is a misnomer, it should be called Title-Slow-Going! Using the RT2500 with Premiere, titling has become a chore. It would appear that one cannot save a title as a master, whether a main title eg white letters on black b/ground or as a simple subtitle, white letters with black edging.

    In MSPro6 you can save a master title(main & subtitle), put them in the media library then drag them onto the timeline and just alter the text. In Premiere this is impossible as any alteration to a previously saved clip changes it within the edit. So one has to go into TitleExpress (or Premiere Titling & Title Deko) and start all over from scratch again.

    I have not found a way to set a default for the attributes ie. font size, font style, kerning, drop shadow etc. One has to make do with TitleExpress's defaults, none of which are useable.

    Is there any way out of this dilemma? It's giving me sleepless nights as well as as bringing my NLE to a complete standstill. (Come back MSPro, all is forgiven!).


    AMD Athlon 900Mhz - Asus A7V 133 SktA M/Board - Matrox Marvel G200 VidCap/Graphics card 16Mb SGRAM - 512Mb 133Mhz of system RAM - 30Gb boot ATA100 System Hard Disk - 40Gb ATA100 Video Hard Disk - both 7200 IBM Deskstars. Win98SE. MediaStudioPro Matrox RT2500 w/ Flex3D AdobePremiere6.02. Camcorder: Sony PC4.

  • #2
    Wow, it looks like all your doing is creating titles all day all night

    In my case, I have used Title Express for every project, and although it has it's limitations, the end results are great.

    Yes I know you have to start from scratch everytime, but here's what I've been doing lately.
    I created templates, they are ICG's that I know will not change much like addresses, credits (the format anyway), openers and save them in a directory.
    Once I start a project, I open title express, import a title and modify it, which may involve names, colour, etc but the format, font and text size remain the same, I then save as, and import to premiere, done.

    Yes it could be better, that's why Title Motion is there for you to upgrade to


    • #3
      i`m so new to my rt2500 that i haven`t put the card in yet as i am bringing my computer up to spec...........
      but i noticed in the manual that the advice is not to install the title express version from the Premiere disc as it isn`t a real time version, could this be the problem...........
      it says to install the version from the seperate disc...
      my card is s/hand so this may not apply to a new one..........

      if i`m wrong excuse the butt in...........

      best wishes



      • #4
        For your information,

        Matrox has a new version up on their web site, you should download and install that version, it's 1.5.

        The link is here...



        • #5
          Thanks to Elie for your comments. I do find that titling works well for small documentaries as opposed to a v/o commentary. (I just don't like to sound of my own voice!). I also take a hint from all of Woody Allen's movies as regards titling, viz., white letters on a black background - simple & effective!

          Anyway, as I discovered some hours later, 'Save-As' is hidden in TitleExpress, so you have to use 'Export ICG' to a folder, renaming the file as you do so, then say 'No' when asked to 'Save Changes ?' Rather long-winded but it works.

          As a consequence I have now three to four basic templates, Main Title - white letters on black b/ground; Subtitle Static - white letters with black drop-shadow; Crawling (R to L) Subtitle - white letters with black drop shadow and finally Scrolling Main Title (bottom to top).

          A note to Peterlee - Title Express works fine with the so-called 'Real-Time' facilities for preview in RT2500. Whereas Premiere's Titling & TileDeko are not realtime with the RT2500.



          • #6
            already downloaded titler. got wife working on tools 3.1
            but thanks for the link

            ta lots


