Clicking on the timeline, then having to wait some eight or nine seconds before the codec is engaged for scrubbing, very tedious ! This is repeated every time I want to scrub & is becoming a real time-waster! Even v5.2 wasn't as slow as this, providing one had the source (scratchpad) window present.
I've altered the file ulead32.ini according to the previously posted suggestions (this initially cleared the 'black-frame' in the source window but does stop this sluggishness).
Has anyone any idea of the solution ?
Merv Wilson
Set-up: AMD K6-2 333Mhz - AT p/supply - Asus P5A-B Socket7 M/Board - Matrox Marvel G200 AGP VidCap/Graphics card 16Mb SDRAM - 192Mb of system RAM - 10.1Gb system/boot HD disk - 16.8Gb video HD disk - both IBM Deskstars. Win98SE. Creative CD-RW 4x2x24x. MediaStudioPro v6.0.
I've altered the file ulead32.ini according to the previously posted suggestions (this initially cleared the 'black-frame' in the source window but does stop this sluggishness).
Has anyone any idea of the solution ?
Merv Wilson
Set-up: AMD K6-2 333Mhz - AT p/supply - Asus P5A-B Socket7 M/Board - Matrox Marvel G200 AGP VidCap/Graphics card 16Mb SDRAM - 192Mb of system RAM - 10.1Gb system/boot HD disk - 16.8Gb video HD disk - both IBM Deskstars. Win98SE. Creative CD-RW 4x2x24x. MediaStudioPro v6.0.