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Black border on TV output

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  • Black border on TV output

    Is there a black border when TVout is checked in all Matrox card? I have G200TV. When I upgrade, and buy G400 or maybe G450 is there this black border too? I need on TV Full-screen.

    Sorry for my poor english, and thanks.

  • #2


    • #3
      Hmmm... but I do not understand what this "up" mean. It is possible that it is only a part of reply.

      Thanks, Railie.


      • #4
        Raillie: Ignore the up, I think that was a test message used to make sure things are working.
        As for the border issue, I believe the G4xx cards get rid of the problem. (I have it too with my G200TV)


        • #5
          Thank you, Walrus.
          I noticed, that this "up" is too on all other messages.
          When there is no black border on G400 and G450, then I buy one.

          Thanks, Railie.


          • #6
            If memory serves, I've read messages on this forum before describing a configuration screen where you move sliders to adjust the dimensions of the TV-out to rid oneself of the black borders with the G400s. Incidently, if display MJPEGs using the onboard hardware, you should have perfect TV-out. (but only for the MJPEGs)


            • #7
              First off, people type "up" in order to move the message thread to the top of the list. Typically when a thread moves down the list, it's read by fewer and fewer people...

              The original poster posted in January and no one answered, so the second person typed "up" to get it back to the top of the list...

              As for the answer to the question- it depends on the operating system.

              The G400 does indeed have controls to allow the TV-Out to fill the entire screen in Win9x. BTW- as of a few months ago, the G200's Win9x driver can do this too! In WinNT4 and Win2K, the G400's TV-Out isn't resizable, but Matrox did a better job getting the picture to fill the entire TV screen (than the G200.) The WinNT4 and Win2K G200 driver still has the black box unfortunately.

              again- remember this is only for the TV-Out that is a part of the card- not for any BOB TV-Outs...

              [This message has been edited by LrngToFly (edited 03 June 2000).]


              • #8
                This issue comes up every couple of months. The answer is, AFAIK, the black border exists on any materials recorded through Matrox video capture hardware. This isn't so much of a problem when playing back video on a regular television because of the television's overscan.

                But when using a file in video editting, it can be a real pain in moving paths - you have to crop each clip before you use it.

                Matrox "solved" this problem with the newer release of video tools by having the PC-VCR program automatically crop snap shots, and readjust the alignment of video.

                - Aryko


                • #9
                  Thanks Aryko.
                  But I do not mean this black border. I need full TV-out, when I for example play MPG file. With driver settings I am not able spread out picture on full screen. Proportion is too not good.


                  Sorry for my ENGLISH

