I have for a long time used G200 and RR-G without problem (after macro-crack of course). Since I had no TV-Out and my hardware supplier was unable to provide the TV-Out module for the G200 I decided to upgrade to an G400DH (I was offered a great deal ). Anyways...
I installed the card and the latest drivers and everything was fine, until I started my Video Tools. It was no big suprise that they wouldn't work togheter since I never Upgraded the Video Tools. So I went driver hunting again to matrox site with my modem.
I Downloaded the latest drivers for RR-G (5.55.022 driver & 1.54.040 VidTool). I did run the "Uninstall program" matrox offered for there 4.5x++ drivers. I then tweaked everything like I wanted it and life was once more good. The following day when I booted my computer (yes, I do turn it off over night ), just before the monitor was to show the Windows desktop after the boot logo, a DOS message appeared claiming: "Windows protection error. Reboot your computer." (The message was in Swedish so I might have translated it wrong.)
After reboot Windows suggested Safe mode etc etc. I then went to this forum to see what driver versons to use and found that most ppl were using VidTools 1.52 and Display 5.42 (recalled from head, I'm typing @ work ). So I uninstalled the 'new' 5.55 driver and installed the 5.42 instead. When I now turn on my computer I still get the "Windows protection..." and has to reboot.
I then, as a work around, boot to normal again, get some info that says my display drivers might be wrong and then another reboot. Then my driver is working again and I can tweak in 'my' settings (eg. resolution and refresh rates). When I then boot my computer the next day I have to re-do the whole process.
Now, while I type, I'm unsure if I can reboot Windows w/o getting the errors. I should if the problem is hardware related but not if it's software related. Gotta try this lunch ) Anyways, if someone out here has a solution or ideas they are much apreciated!
I run a Swedish version of Windows '98 (not SE since I have much trouble with it).
I have and AMD K6-2 400MHz and an ASUS P5A.
Have a nice day
[This message has been edited by the_TnT (edited 08 June 2000).]
I have for a long time used G200 and RR-G without problem (after macro-crack of course). Since I had no TV-Out and my hardware supplier was unable to provide the TV-Out module for the G200 I decided to upgrade to an G400DH (I was offered a great deal ). Anyways...
I installed the card and the latest drivers and everything was fine, until I started my Video Tools. It was no big suprise that they wouldn't work togheter since I never Upgraded the Video Tools. So I went driver hunting again to matrox site with my modem.
I Downloaded the latest drivers for RR-G (5.55.022 driver & 1.54.040 VidTool). I did run the "Uninstall program" matrox offered for there 4.5x++ drivers. I then tweaked everything like I wanted it and life was once more good. The following day when I booted my computer (yes, I do turn it off over night ), just before the monitor was to show the Windows desktop after the boot logo, a DOS message appeared claiming: "Windows protection error. Reboot your computer." (The message was in Swedish so I might have translated it wrong.)
After reboot Windows suggested Safe mode etc etc. I then went to this forum to see what driver versons to use and found that most ppl were using VidTools 1.52 and Display 5.42 (recalled from head, I'm typing @ work ). So I uninstalled the 'new' 5.55 driver and installed the 5.42 instead. When I now turn on my computer I still get the "Windows protection..." and has to reboot.
I then, as a work around, boot to normal again, get some info that says my display drivers might be wrong and then another reboot. Then my driver is working again and I can tweak in 'my' settings (eg. resolution and refresh rates). When I then boot my computer the next day I have to re-do the whole process.
Now, while I type, I'm unsure if I can reboot Windows w/o getting the errors. I should if the problem is hardware related but not if it's software related. Gotta try this lunch ) Anyways, if someone out here has a solution or ideas they are much apreciated!
I run a Swedish version of Windows '98 (not SE since I have much trouble with it).
I have and AMD K6-2 400MHz and an ASUS P5A.
Have a nice day
[This message has been edited by the_TnT (edited 08 June 2000).]