With the new ability of Cool3D 3.0 to use *.x meshes the natural question is "where do I get them?" or "how do I make them?"
Well, if you can find 3D Studio meshes (which are everywhere on the net) then the DXMesh program can convert them into *.x meshes for use in Cool3D 3.0. You can also use it to generate homebrewed meshes.
Get it from download.com at;
or the DXMesh homepage at;
It works great. I've converted at least 30 such 3DS meshes with no real problems at all. Everything from trees to spaceships to planets and sundry objects.
Dr. Mordrid
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 22 June 2000).]
Well, if you can find 3D Studio meshes (which are everywhere on the net) then the DXMesh program can convert them into *.x meshes for use in Cool3D 3.0. You can also use it to generate homebrewed meshes.
Get it from download.com at;
or the DXMesh homepage at;
It works great. I've converted at least 30 such 3DS meshes with no real problems at all. Everything from trees to spaceships to planets and sundry objects.
Dr. Mordrid
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 22 June 2000).]