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Fastest way to convert Mpeg to DV ??

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  • Fastest way to convert Mpeg to DV ??

    Hi all

    Anyone know of a fast way to convert Mpeg captured with a Marvel G200 to DV suitable to be sent to a DV camera.

    I have tried using the file convertor in MSP6 but it seems to take upto 6 times longer then the file lenght to convert ( Is this normal ? ) and the quality doesn't seem that good. I know I am changing the file size from 704x576 to 720x576 ( Pal ) but should this effect the quality ?

    Also whats the difference between DV codec type 1 and type 2 ?

    Thanks in advance


    PS If only we had enabled ports on DV cameras in the UK !!!

  • #2

    Steve, you actually mean MJPEG don't you?


    • #3
      Yes, it is time consuming and lowers quality to scale/convert but this isn't helped by most editors using the Microsoft Windows DV codec. It's crap and degenerates both detail and color when recompressed.

      I prefer using a third party DV codec for my conversions. Fortunately I have an RT-2000 which comes with an excellent DV softcodec for use on satellite systems without the RT-2000 card. Other companies sell aftermarket DV codecs that work much better than MSDV. MainConcept DV is one of the better ones and runs $50 USD. Check here;

      As for type 1 and type 2 DV;

      type 1 = a single stream containing both audio and video. For DirectShow based software.

      type 2 = separate audio and video files. For the older Video for Windows software.

      MSPro6 can work with either, although with type 2 you have to load the audio portion separately.

      Dr. Mordrid

      [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 26 June 2000).]


      • #4
        Can you add a 16 pixel wide strip of black down one side only of the frame using MSP? (I've only done this going the other way, from DV to MPEG using the Panasonic encoder).

        This would avoid the software having to resample each frame and would align the pixel blocks in the DV and MPEG frames.

