My original box was:
K6-2+ 500Mhz
Epox MVP3C2 Motherboard
Marvel G400-TV
SB AWE 64 Gold
3Com 3C905B NIC
Promise Ultra 100 TX2 IDE card, connecting:
Seagate U8 series 4.2GB HDD (For the OS)
Seagate 'Cuda ATA IV 60GB (For programs and data)
WD 600BB (Video capture)
On-board IDE connects a CD-ROM and a Lite-ON CD writer.
I upgraded some parts recently:
Athlon XP 1900+
Epox 8KTA3+ pro (I have to use this ancient board; I want to keep my AWE)
And then after upgrading (and a clean install of Win ME, Via Driver 4.38, DX 8.1, Matrox driver 6.28 and VT 1.55), I started to experience weird behavious in capturing:
I use VD for capture. The problem is: even the capture looked fine, but after I opened the file captured, the latter part of the file-- and in one case, the entire file-- was filled with garbage. Also was one case that after one "garbage" frame, the video turned back to normal -- albeit the video bacame B/W.
Is that just me, or it's another 686B bug? How to solve all this?
K6-2+ 500Mhz
Epox MVP3C2 Motherboard
Marvel G400-TV
SB AWE 64 Gold
3Com 3C905B NIC
Promise Ultra 100 TX2 IDE card, connecting:
Seagate U8 series 4.2GB HDD (For the OS)
Seagate 'Cuda ATA IV 60GB (For programs and data)
WD 600BB (Video capture)
On-board IDE connects a CD-ROM and a Lite-ON CD writer.
I upgraded some parts recently:
Athlon XP 1900+
Epox 8KTA3+ pro (I have to use this ancient board; I want to keep my AWE)
And then after upgrading (and a clean install of Win ME, Via Driver 4.38, DX 8.1, Matrox driver 6.28 and VT 1.55), I started to experience weird behavious in capturing:
I use VD for capture. The problem is: even the capture looked fine, but after I opened the file captured, the latter part of the file-- and in one case, the entire file-- was filled with garbage. Also was one case that after one "garbage" frame, the video turned back to normal -- albeit the video bacame B/W.
Is that just me, or it's another 686B bug? How to solve all this?