1. DON'T overclock a video editing system. The PCI bus should be running at it's normal speed.
2. Full frame/max rez video with the RR-G or Marvel takes up about 180 megs/minute. With the cheap price of very large drives these days I'd go bigger than 20g.
I'd recommend a Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 40g. They run about $225-250 and are fast as hell even on an ATA33 interface.
3. The Win2K drivers are available but have a ways to go before they reach the level of stability of the Win9x drivers. That said Win2000 does allow you to format the video drive with the NTFS filesystem.
This combined with MSPro6 (a very worthwhile upgrade) allows the creation of unlimited sized video files instead of the 2 gig limit found in Win9x.
Dr. Mordrid
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 30 June 2000).]
2. Full frame/max rez video with the RR-G or Marvel takes up about 180 megs/minute. With the cheap price of very large drives these days I'd go bigger than 20g.
I'd recommend a Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 40g. They run about $225-250 and are fast as hell even on an ATA33 interface.
3. The Win2K drivers are available but have a ways to go before they reach the level of stability of the Win9x drivers. That said Win2000 does allow you to format the video drive with the NTFS filesystem.
This combined with MSPro6 (a very worthwhile upgrade) allows the creation of unlimited sized video files instead of the 2 gig limit found in Win9x.
Dr. Mordrid
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 30 June 2000).]