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PicVideo codec and Marvel

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  • PicVideo codec and Marvel

    Is there a way to configure PicVideo codec and perhaps massage the AVI file headers so that it'll play out the hardware codec of a G200 Marvel for output back to tape?


  • #2
    I've tried the PicVideo codec with my G200 and thought about the same question. I understand from others, that the best option is to set your monitor output to "TV" (via desktop properties), then 'play' your avi as at "full-screen". It does work, if a little awkward.
    On the same theme, I can't say that I noticed much of a difference in the output quality, compared to the same footage using the Matrox codec and played normally. It's true that the resulting AVI file is much smaller, and that maybe a strong consideration for some folks. Finally, I only did a short test and didn't see a big difference in rendering time, however a larger test might prove me wrong there.
    PII350, MarvelG200, MSP5.2, PromiseFT w/2x8.4's, SB-PCI128


    • #3
      IF you have a fast enough processor you don't need the hardware to play PICVIdeo out at full speed.

      As far as the vidout goes; it's easier with the Marvel G400. If the codec is enabled and the DualHead is set for DVDMax the video will go to the vidout just like if the hardware were being used. Do it all the time.

      Otherwise you might want to check out a utility Uwe made that lets you change the header of a software MJPeg file (mjpg) to that of the Matrox hardware (dmb1). His site is at;

      Just keep the PICVideo quality under 20 or the data rate will be 5 mb/s, a tad higher than the Marvels 3+ mb/s.

      Dr. Mordrid

      [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 30 June 2000).]


      • #4
        I was never able to get Uwe's header changing utility to work on my Marvel G200 (trying to playback PICVideo Mjpeg through video out, like Matrox Mjpeg), despite many emails back and forth with PICVideo support.
        Please visit - My System: Celeron 300a(@450/2v),Abit BH6, 128mb RAM, Win98SE, Marvel G200TV, Diamond MX300, Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 20g system drive, DiamondMax Plus 40 capture drive, IBM 8g Deskstar program drive, Adaptec 2940UW SCSI, 9gb Barracuda UWSCSI video drive, Hitachi GD-2500 DVD-Rom, UltraPlex CD-Rom, Plexwriter CD-recorder, Viewsonic PT775, Soundworks 4.1 speakers


        • #5

          Not the answer I was hoping for but what feared was the answer.

          My goal was to transcode to mjpeg on a system without the Marvel and then save back to tape using the marvel hardware codec.

          The full screen TV out playback doesn't work for me very well on my G200 Marvel.


