Woo-Hoo! I am going to have to wait a few more days before my order of discs comes from MeritOnline to start trying out DVD-R burns. So in the meanwhile I picked up some CompUSA DVD-RAM discs to start backing up some of my larger files. Some things I noticed:
Speed - This unit isn't going to win any awards in that area. BUT,,, it is nice to file away 4.7 gigs of data and just walk away without having to worry about feeding the damn thing discs.
Compatibility - It works out of the box with the backup software in W2K so I can schedule backups of my work on a daily/weekly/whatever basis. I just have to remember to have a DVD-RAM disc in the drive.
Video burning. As stated above I will find out how this thing works later this week. For myself I just want to archive some of my longer VHS Family video tapes to DVD-R.
Backup/Ghosting - Hey Jerry, did you ever try ghosting your HD image to this unit? If so what software did you use? I am going to try Norton Ghost later this week and let you know how it went. Unless you can tell me why I am wasting my time.
Why oh why did I wait this long to get one of these things? Oh yeah, the price finally fropped down to "hobby level". Yah that was it.
Speed - This unit isn't going to win any awards in that area. BUT,,, it is nice to file away 4.7 gigs of data and just walk away without having to worry about feeding the damn thing discs.
Compatibility - It works out of the box with the backup software in W2K so I can schedule backups of my work on a daily/weekly/whatever basis. I just have to remember to have a DVD-RAM disc in the drive.
Video burning. As stated above I will find out how this thing works later this week. For myself I just want to archive some of my longer VHS Family video tapes to DVD-R.
Backup/Ghosting - Hey Jerry, did you ever try ghosting your HD image to this unit? If so what software did you use? I am going to try Norton Ghost later this week and let you know how it went. Unless you can tell me why I am wasting my time.
Why oh why did I wait this long to get one of these things? Oh yeah, the price finally fropped down to "hobby level". Yah that was it.