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RR & drivers for 2K/XP with MJPEG

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  • #31
    I have used the RR & drivers for 2K/XP with MJPEG on the Marvel G400 - TV and to some extent it works. However it will be OK for the first Gig. of capture but the rest will be all black frames.
    This happens on both Win2k and WinXP using PC-VCR.
    I would be interested to know what drivers (display and video tools) Landrover is using on WinXP.


    We pass this way only once. Make the most of it !


    • #32
      I've been up the coast fighting mosquitos for the last 10 days. I'm glad to see that while I've been away there's been interest expressed by other users of the RRS who would like to be able to capture MJPEG while running Win2k/XP. Hope you're still as optimistic in being able to develop those drivers, Nicram!


      • #33
        Hi Debbie

        because of Nicram's achievement I decided to replace the Wise Vidtool (still available from my homepage) by the latest display drivers and vidtools for the Marvel G450 eTV. Then I installed Nicram's vidtool and the system has been rockstable ever since, which is about two weeks now. Recording in PCVCR is now possible, but useless, because audio and video are terribly out of sync. Besides that, PCVCR can't capture segmented AVI seamlessly, so I would always use AVI_IO for capturing. Strange thing is that hardware MJPEG capture still isn't available for 3rd party capture apps. In other words, Nicram and his fellows haven't modified the Matrox VfW capture driver.
        Anyway, I am still happy with the new situation, because now I can safely import and process MJPEG clips (captured with AVI_IO in Win98) into the XP environment without compromising system stability.

        -Off the beaten path I reign-

        At Home:

        Asus P4P800-E Deluxe / P4-E 3.0Ghz
        2 GB PC3200 DDR RAM
        Matrox Parhelia 128
        Terratec Cynergy 600 TV/Radio
        Maxtor 80GB OS and Apps
        Maxtor 300 GB for video
        Plextor PX-755a DVD-R/W DL
        Win XP Pro

        At work:
        Avid Newscutter Adrenaline.
        Avid Unity Media Network.


        • #34
          Hi Landrover,

          Thanks for your reply.

          I also use the latest display drivers and video tools for the Marvel G450 eTV on Win2k, however it just manages to capture about 1Gb. of viewable video and the rest will be black frames.
          There will be the usual split after 2Gb. and it will record again another 1Gb. of viewable movie. This is all in Matrox MJPG and viewed on Windows Media Plyer 4.6

          If I import the clip on the Ulead MediaStudio timline the clip will appear all black. With AVI_IO (if I remember correctly) I had no problems since I can adjust the size of the clip.

          Until I can find a better way I think I will stick to Win98SE, at least every thing works very well exept for the odd "green flash" during playback and if I change the fourCC to MJPG, then the reading will be carried out by the PicVisdeo Codec that will eliminate the "green flash" issue.


          Last edited by Debbie; 28 August 2002, 23:48.
          We pass this way only once. Make the most of it !


          • #35
            Can't Find the Rainbow Runner Driver for XP

            Hi - I am trying to get my Rainbow Runner to work with my G400 Max on XP Pro. I went to the suggested site but could not find the file. Maybe my polish is not up to scratch. Can anyone give me the link to the download?



            • #36
              Use Windows Internet Explorer

              Item 13, rr update for

              We pass this way only once. Make the most of it !


              • #37
                O.K., Lets sum up: with this patch and appropriate driver RRG + G400DH will work properly under Win XP or W2k, right? What capture options are enabled? YUV2? What about video output? Has someone checked it out? What about Macrovision?


                • #38
                  Nicram, you've been awfully quiet lately! Are you having any luck with the RRS drivers?


                  • #39
                    Hi. First, "magician" just try it. Second, bad info. I will can't make this on my system, couse i don't have NT4 & RRS. Maybe someone else will try. We still works on other project, but we don't know we will make it (something about Marvel G450).
                    A CRAY is the only computer that runs an endless loop in just 4 hours...


                    • #40
                      So sad...


                      • #41

                        I can lend you either a Mystique/RRS or Millenium II/RRS if you think this will help to get this working.

                        Let me know if you're interested.



                        • #42
                          Thanks, Debbie. I found the file. Now all I need is the appropriate version of Video Tools (2.10.010a). All I can find is version 2, 2. 02 and 2.04. Can anyone help me locate the appropriate file -- or will the update work with one of the other versions? Thanks alot for your help.



                          • #43
                            G400MAX+RRG+WINXP=MJPEG disabled

                            My Rainbow Runner G does not work on winXP. I read all the instractions in this thread but nothing: the mjpeg capture is impossible, also with AVI_IO, VIRTUALDUB and FREEVCR. Off corse, now I can record RGB file with all the application, like the PCVCR-remote, but I need to capture smaller file. The truth is that even in winME the MJPEG capture doesn't work. The only solution is to swap the G400MAX with my old G200.....boring....
                            I hope that someone will be able to help me soon.


                            • #44
                              Hi scrounger1,

                              Go here for Video Tools (2.10.010a)

                              File name:


                              Last edited by Debbie; 11 September 2002, 00:24.
                              We pass this way only once. Make the most of it !


                              • #45
                                I got the g400 marvel running with mjpeg and the the marvel pcvcr but it still only captures 2gb files, there also seems to be some frames lost between the segments (in win 98 too). so there doesn't seem much point. I'm currently using Picvideo and freevcr to capture, there seems to be no lost frames between the segmants. But: if any one can tell me how to capture using PicVideo and OpenDml I would be well impressed.

