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RR & drivers for 2K/XP with MJPEG

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  • #76
    I thinks someone do, but i don't remember the reults
    A CRAY is the only computer that runs an endless loop in just 4 hours...


    • #77
      I have taken RRStudio + Mystique out of my computer, and it would be nice to hear (or see a post) if someone actually got these RRG series XP drivers to work - before I re-install, etc...



      • #78
        No joy in RRS-ville

        We've been down this road before. Just see how long this thread is and how long it's been around. This "hack" does not, I repeat does NOT work with the Rainbow Runner Studio. It was written for the RR-G, a totally different beast.

        Nicram, it states right in the text files of this hack that it's for the RR-G. Why do you continue to tease people here by insinuating that it might work with the RR-S?
        Last edited by Patrick; 7 November 2002, 01:16.


        • #79
          I don't have RRS or RR-G so i don't know. Felpie (person that make this driver) don't have RRS so we can't do anything extactly for this board. I send some SDKs for him, but i think he will use it to do some patchs for marvel series cards or something.
          A CRAY is the only computer that runs an endless loop in just 4 hours...


          • #80
            Thank you Patrick.


            • #81
              You're welcome. I only wish I had better news for you...


              • #82
                RRS owners would really appreciate a hacked driver, but...

                Nicram, back on August 14th I informed you in this thread:

                "I tried, but I'm afraid there's no way this patched driver is going to work with the Rainbow Runner Studio. The RRS uses a completely different set of drivers than the G-series Rainbow Runner."

                So please don't say you "don't know". On September 6th, PaulM stated to you in this thread:

                "I can lend you either a Mystique/RRS or Millennium II/RRS if you think this will help to get this working."

                Whatever became of that offer?


                • #83
                  Yes, Patrick but we still work on drivers from RRS, RRG, Mystique & we find new thing that are similar in RRS & RRG so i change my opinion about that
                  The offer is greate, but we don't work together in Matrox Guru Arena. I never see the Felipe etc. So this isn't greate idea I think. Besides Matrox isn't our only work. Just be patience...
                  A CRAY is the only computer that runs an endless loop in just 4 hours...


                  • #84
                    Re: RRS owners would really appreciate a hacked driver, but...

                    Originally posted by Patrick
                    On September 6th, PaulM stated to you in this thread:

                    "I can lend you either a Mystique/RRS or Millennium II/RRS if you think this will help to get this working."

                    Whatever became of that offer?
                    As far as I'm concerned, the offer still stands


                    • #85
                      Let's try something different

                      Paul, here's the email address for Felipe that's listed in one of the text files from the hacked driver.


                      Maybe you could make the offer directly to him.


                      • #86
                        RRS and W2K/XP


                        I need a drivers for my Matrox Rainbow Runner studio !
                        "Nicram" post a web page but not fonctionaly :-(

                        Please help-me !

                        Barbac (frenchies :-)


                        • #87
                          Dirver for RRS is not ready yet. What Nicram post is for RRG/Marvel. All RRS users are still waiting now.


                          • #88
                            broken link ?

                            [contents of this post deleted by myself as I discovered the answer to my question in another thread]
                            Last edited by irios; 8 February 2003, 12:45.


                            • #89
                              I've spent some time reading this thread and I find it informative, but yet too messy to answer my questions, unfortunately....

                              I am runnin WinXp Pro

                              I just installed my Marvel G400-TV with Powerdesk v5.39.019
                              Then I installed Video Tools v2.10.010a

                              I played around with it a little (no record ability) ... The tuner worked pretty well, except no sound .. but I have picture on my video output

                              Then I followed the instructions in "Felipe.txt" in the 'RR update for 2.10.010a'

                              Now, when I start PC-VCR, I still have no sound, and I have no video output either

                              I also tried following the instructions in "MJPEG.txt" too, but no difference

                              I tried with AVI_IO too, and I still have no sound or picture on video output

                              I updated my Powerdesk to v5.82 too in hope that this whould help... but no

                              Have I done anything wrong? Any fix or update that can fix my problem ?

                              Please tell me there is a fix for the lack of sound at least. That would make me very happy... The tuner on the marvel G400-TV has -very- good picture quality, and I do not want to put it away and let it get covered in dust while I lie in my bed night after night missing my dear Marvel G400-TV *sniff*

                              Does anyone have a setup on WinXP with their Marvel G400-TV that WORKS ? If so, could they please tell me how they made it work


                              • #90
                                do you get sound with the official drivers from Matrox meant for your card?

