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Abit bp6 / g400max / rrg

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  • #31
    Well I guess it doesn't hurt to have an extra ps laying around in case huh. I guess its a 50/50 shot. Most of the posts I read where the ps fixed the problem were cheap ass ones.


    • #32
      Hi Guys,

      Sorry it took so long to get back. I had a touch of the flu or something and felt like crap for 10 days. Pretty bad when you don't want to play with computers.

      Anyway got out today and bought a sparkle 300watt (2.01) ps and just dropped it in. Took the rrg card out of the bx6 and put it into the bp6 and so far everything is working fine. I have not rebooted yet, I want to enjoy it alittle while it is working. Time will tell so stay tuned and I will let you know how it goes over the next week.

      A note, when I removed the old power supply it appears to be a cheap ass piece of #@$%*! The new one weighs 4 times as much as the old one. I also read that although you may buy an Enlight case some resellers will yank out the Enlight ps and replace it with a cheap one. Apparently I fell for the low price on the case, but the old addage applies here. You get what you pay for.

      Stay tuned,

      Dave D


      • #33
        Hello once again! My schedule has been tight over the past two weeks and I have not had time to do any of the said modifications.

        Dave D, let us know what the results of the new P/S are. I'll hold off on the damage until I hear word. Good luck!


        • #34
          Darn First glitch,

          Lost display setings and had static on this reboot, however a shutdown and a 10 second wait before rebooting restored everything to working order. If thats all I have to deal with I can live with it.

          Isn't this what yours does Axatax?


          • #35
            I've recently been having a problem that I now wonder if is PS related. I'm running on an ABit BE6-II mb. I had been able to capture with no problems. Last week I added another HD and reinstalled Windows. Since then my RRG has been capturing a lot of garbage at the bottom of the frame and cutting off a few lines at the top. I thought it was software related because of the timing, but after reading this thread it occurred to me that my system is packed full of hardware and maybe the PS couldn't keep up. I now have 2 7200 rpm Ultra 66 drives plus a host of other internal drives, and all the slots are full. I had to install several splitters on the power connectors to hook everything up. To top it off, the PS is about 2 years old. Does this sound like a power problem?


            [This message has been edited by kefoo (edited 10 July 2000).]


            • #36
              Well so far so good,6 or 7 reboots so far and all is working well. Not even a hicup (yet). I think the ps has done the trick.

              Its funny the store I went to specializes in computer repair and service. They teach computer classes etc. When I asked for a ower supply that was 2.01 compliant he looked at me like I had 2 heads. He said he has been in the business for 11 years and never heard of such a thing.(Guess he doesn't sell Abit) Anyway the ps I got did not say 2.01 on it but it did have the additional flat 6 pin connector (p2) that is an indentifing feature of a 2.01 or higher.

              Anyway I will post after a few days on the statis of this solution.

              Good Day


              • #37

                Is the garbage at the bottom of the frame like horizontal static. (best way I can describe it). I was getting this with my vhs camera. I figured it was just and old camera. I haven't tried it since I replaced the ps but I will try it in the next couple of days and let you know if it is gone.


                • #38
                  I'm getting a mixed bag of junk. The last 5 or so lines of video are garbled and shifted to the left, which I was always getting and edited out during encoding. Recently, there's also been another 15-20 pixels below that. Originally it was a green band. I switched to an earlier verion of the drivers and VT and the green band was replaced by a black one. I get identical results with two differnet VCRs, so I don't think they're the problem.



                  • #39

                    I have read of users of the be6 also having the problems that are listed in this thread. It seems that these are the only 2 boards experiencing these problems. In my quest I have found that for some reason there is not enough amperage supplied to the pci bus. This is where I believe this pci 2.01 compliant power supply picks up the slack. It has a higher amperage output rating. These Abit boards are 2.01 compliant so it seems only logical that we should use a power supply with these specs.

                    I could be wrong, I am not a computer tech,just an Abit user forced into being a troubleshooter. Axatax may be able to verify what I have found as he seems very knowledgable in this field.


                    • #40
                      I think you've hit the nail on the head. My P/S is 2.01 compliant, as it does indeed have the additional "AT-like" connector.

                      Yes, I loose the settings when _windows_ shuts the machine down. Not on reboots, suspends, etc.

                      The 10-second power-off (at the mains) always_ restores the RRG settings. Since the machine is always on, this is at most a minor nussiance that i've learned to live with.

                      Good luck Dave and keep us posted. (You may also want to post your findings in the original thread at Matrox support. They need to add this to their FAQ and include the PCI 2.01 spec, not just the rail specs.)


                      • #41
                        I started looking for my thread and found others who are fustrated with this problem. Sent them here. I am going to try to get the specs and post them.


                        • #42
                          Here is the website for Sparkle and the specs for the ps.


                          Output Voltage/min load / max load

                          +3.3v / 0.2a /14.0a
                          +5v / 2.0a /30.0a
                          +12v / 0.0a /12.0a
                          -5v / 0.0a / .03a
                          -12 / 0.0a / 1.0a
                          +5vsb / 0.0a / 0.8a

                          This is a sparkle FSP300-60GT Power Supply


                          • #43
                            Day 5 and everything is still working well, just that 1 hiccup but it hasn't happened since.


                            • #44
                              Day 7 and probably my last post on this subject. Everything is perfect with the g400 max + rrg combo. I haven't had even the slightest glitch.

                              Thanks for all your input,

                              Dave D


                              • #45
                                Glad to hear it, and good luck.

                                Odd thing, my RRG no longer drops the settings when I perform a shutdown from Windows... Has been solid as a rock for the past two weeks. (!)

                                Maybe some good karma...

