Well RhinoZ, I don't know what your doing wrong but those numbers a way to low. With my old K6-2 and a 3 gig 5400rpm I used to get 5 mb/s. Check to make sure you have DMA enabled in Device Manager and that you selected yes to DMA when installing the drivers. Have you fully formated your drive when you re-installed? Defraged? Did you break up your drive into smaller partiotions? Two gig for c: then a d: and e: divide the remainder.
Dr. Mordrid, you obviously arn't a big fan of Via , but when someone says they are getting 3 mb/s with a new 40gig drive, I think you are letting your personal predjudice eclipse reality when you tell them its because of Via drivers. Maybe they don't have the pci bandwidth to run an RT-X but they can certainly do everything else quite competitively, especially BASIC HARD DRIVE FUNCTION. I have worked with many Via boards and have never had a problem with HD functioning. Last I looked I was getting about 55 mb/s with my 7200 rpm Raid.
Dr. Mordrid, you obviously arn't a big fan of Via , but when someone says they are getting 3 mb/s with a new 40gig drive, I think you are letting your personal predjudice eclipse reality when you tell them its because of Via drivers. Maybe they don't have the pci bandwidth to run an RT-X but they can certainly do everything else quite competitively, especially BASIC HARD DRIVE FUNCTION. I have worked with many Via boards and have never had a problem with HD functioning. Last I looked I was getting about 55 mb/s with my 7200 rpm Raid.