I'm trying to burn DVD's using Ulead moviestudio, when it starts the process it stops with an error because it wants to create a disk image bigger then 4gb (the win 98 limit), it does in fact say it needs 9gb to free space to make the DVD. Is there a way around this without moving to win 2k? Is there other budget dvd software that gets around this?
I have tried win 2k but much of my sofware wouldn't work and i could install the matrox marvel wintools 2.04-just didn't install.
At the moment I'm going to dual boot into 2k just to burn the dvd!
I have tried win 2k but much of my sofware wouldn't work and i could install the matrox marvel wintools 2.04-just didn't install.
At the moment I'm going to dual boot into 2k just to burn the dvd!