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Any success with OpenDml

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  • Any success with OpenDml

    As we are all trying to edit video the ultimate aim has to be to get around the dreaded 2/4gb file limit of an AVI file. Although I am running a second machine with win 2000 and anNTFS partition I still can't capture and edit files larger than the above limits. I did capture a 6gb file but once I'd captured it I couldn't open in my editor (Ulead MsPro 6.5) or DVD creator, Ulead DVD movie Factory.

    Has anyone had any success using oendml, with a Matrox Marvel?

  • #2
    If you're using an older analog capture board, then I doubt you'll be able to take advantage of the newer Microsoft Direct Show media architecture.

    Ulead MediaStudio Pro Video Capture probably relies on a Video for Windows software driver that you installed when you installed your board.

    I capture larger than 4gb files all the time using three DV camcorders:

    1. Sony DCR-VX1000
    2. Canon ZR20
    3. Panasonic PV-DC152

    ...and it always works.

    But in my case, MediaStudio Pro's Video Capture module is relying on the built-in, native driver support in Windows 2000.

    This allows MediaStudio Pro to take full advantage of the Direct Show media architecture.

    This is another reason why I prefer DV over analog.

    It's also why I prefer using OHCI compliant DV boards as opposed to many proprietary DV boards.

    Proprietary boards such as the Canopus DV Raptor still use the older Video for Windows architecture.

    Jerry Jones

