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pic video with marvel g400 tv

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  • pic video with marvel g400 tv

    Maby doc can help?
    Is it possible to use picvideo codec
    with the marvel g400
    what are the settings for
    systems.ini and registery setting to use picvideo as additional codec?

  • #2
    First of all upgrade to version 2.01.00. It's a free download and freely licensed. I have used it with no extra registry or system.ini settings.

    Just set up your capture program to use YUY2 at whatever rez you need and select PicVideo as the compression codec. A quality of 19 will be roughly equivalent to full rez 704x480 @3 mb/s.

    A quality of 20 delivers almost 5 mb/sec and is good for video that needs effects or titles while minimizing Gibbs artifacting. It also needs a bit more horsepower on the part of your system & processor.

    Unfortunately the quality setting data rates are not very linear with a big step between 19 and 20 and smaller steps from 19 down. This is the one area where PicVideo needs work.

    Dr. Mordrid

    [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 06 August 2000).]

