Hi ya all,
I've asked this question on the forum already once before with no replies. In the meman time I've been more busy testing and trying to get in my eyes very good video quality in MPEG1 for videocd usage. Got that sorted out now so back to the videopack 4.0 problem again.
I hope that some of you guys can help as Cequadrat does not seem to be interested in providing any support at all, not even in answering questions on this. Probably comes cause I purchased the software second hand from a sale of a company that went belly up.
The problem is that vcd's made using videopack 4.0 don't seem to work on my Yamakawa 715 player. The software accepts all the videofiles or bmp pictures I use for menus without complains and makes the CD's. When trying to play in the Yamakawa all fails and it sometimes even hangs up completely.
Files used are made using the panasonic plugin for premiere with the VCD PAL setting. Oh another thing, when I try to play the DAT file from the vcd made it all plays well, so there must be something wrong in the menu part or application files used on the vcd.
Please help as this is currently the only barrier between making nice archive vcd's and a mental institution for me.
I know there's other applications, but I purchased videopack and would like to use it, especially since it should support entrypoints in a videofile.
Thanks for any response or help for this matter.
I've asked this question on the forum already once before with no replies. In the meman time I've been more busy testing and trying to get in my eyes very good video quality in MPEG1 for videocd usage. Got that sorted out now so back to the videopack 4.0 problem again.
I hope that some of you guys can help as Cequadrat does not seem to be interested in providing any support at all, not even in answering questions on this. Probably comes cause I purchased the software second hand from a sale of a company that went belly up.
The problem is that vcd's made using videopack 4.0 don't seem to work on my Yamakawa 715 player. The software accepts all the videofiles or bmp pictures I use for menus without complains and makes the CD's. When trying to play in the Yamakawa all fails and it sometimes even hangs up completely.
Files used are made using the panasonic plugin for premiere with the VCD PAL setting. Oh another thing, when I try to play the DAT file from the vcd made it all plays well, so there must be something wrong in the menu part or application files used on the vcd.
Please help as this is currently the only barrier between making nice archive vcd's and a mental institution for me.
I know there's other applications, but I purchased videopack and would like to use it, especially since it should support entrypoints in a videofile.
Thanks for any response or help for this matter.