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AVI_IO D 03.01 released

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  • #16
    When I try setting 352x240 in the file->capture dialog nothing happens when I click "OK". Using the close button the capture dialog went away but upon capture an exception was generated when I stopped the capture.

    I've Emailed you the Dr Watson log.



    • #17

      I tried to reply to your e-mail. However the e-mail's bounce back to me....




      • #18

        My ISP sent me an Email on friday about a system upgrade so I probably won't get any Email this weekend, but it shouldn't be bouncing, are you sure it's not telling you its accepted the message but I won't get it until Monday?

        Kinda sucks, but I'm glad to see they are trying to improve. I'll send you a message on Monday when its back up and you can try again if your message isn't in my inbox.



        • #19
          Hi Wally

          The e-mail definately bounces back. Let me know as soon as it works.




          • #20
            I tried to download AVI_IO to evaluate for my system but was only able to find the trial version for C 03.01 at the AVI_IO home page. Is version D not available for evaluation?

            Then, when I tried out AVI_IO on my system (specs below), everything appeared to work on capture but when I used AVI_IO to playback the audio appeared to lag the video by about 0.5sec. The odd thing was that PC-VCR played back the same captured .avi file with proper synchronization...and then when I tried AVI_IO again on playback the audio and video appeared in sync! Quite mysterious. I'll investigate more over this week and let you know what I discover. (One thing I want to try is adjusting the audio interleave settings and see if that affects the lip synch problem. I would also like to know if the problem persists in transcoded files.)

            • Windows NT SP-6a
            • Latest BIOS and drivers for G400+RR-G
            • Pentium III, 500MHz, 512MB
            • Epox BXB-S dual processor MB with one processor
            • Matrox 400DH + Rainbow Runner G-series
            • Sound Blaster 64AWE ISA
            • 3Com 3C-905B-TX network card
            • Pioneer 10X DVD/CD-ROM drive
            • Yamaha 6416S CD-RW drive
            • Logitech PS/2 mouse
            • Maxtor 20GB EIDE disk
            • IBM 18GB 10K-rpm SCSI-2 disk (for capture)

            [This message has been edited by chm (edited 07 August 2000).]

            [This message has been edited by chm (edited 07 August 2000).]


            • #21
              I tried AVI_IO 3.01 and I noticed the problem of A/V synchronisation, too. The sync problem is when I am playing the file with AVI_IO playback. The sync problem was in version 2.41, too. I tried to playback the file with MediaPlayer, and the sync problem outlasted. Playback in AVI_IO is OK, when I set Audio offset in Player settings to 5-7.
              MPEG-2 video transcoded by Tsunami MPEG encoder from AVI captured by AVI_IO is perfect without sync problems.

