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Matrox G200/400 W2K Capture ?

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  • Matrox G200/400 W2K Capture ?

    I want to do video capture on my pc and was told to get a matrox marvel as it does hardware encoding instead of software and so the results are really good. The problem is that I run W2K on my pc's and seems matrox software is only w9x compatible. Has anyone got it to work with W2K and how ? I am also tempted to by a rainbow runner addon card. Will this help ?
    Sorry if this question has been asked before, i had a quick search through but counld find any.
    Gigabyte GA-8IEXP M/B
    P4 2.4B, 512mb ddr, 120 & 60 GB Hdd
    48x cdrw, dvd-r/ram
    17" tft

  • #2
    well I have a G200 Marvel even though I do not use it much for capturing. I did manage to get it to work under win2k with some leaked drivers but the quality is terrible.

    As a side note if you are interested in them because of the HW compression my PC PII@450 Mhz and IBM 40gb HD( don't remember the model) could capture fullscreen top quality without any frames droped. I have a crappy SB PCI 128 so the audio was out of sync but if you use avi_io that will not be a problem. A friend of mine once did some editing on my PC for a short movie he made and I must say I was impressed by the quality. We imported the video from a digital camera through the svideo input. I had to install Win98 on my second HD to do this because the quality in win2k was unacceptable.

    I hope this helps.


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply. I have tried capturing video from a camcorder using W98 and yes the picture is brilliant, I would just like to use W2K instead of W98 as it more stable. I could build a seperate W98 pc just for capturing but it seems a bit over the top and I haven't really got a spare £400 for another pc.
      Gigabyte GA-8IEXP M/B
      P4 2.4B, 512mb ddr, 120 & 60 GB Hdd
      48x cdrw, dvd-r/ram
      17" tft


      • #4
        you could dual boot. Install win2k and win98 on the same machine. Thats what I did.


        • #5
          my main gripe is that I don't really want to go back to W98. What capture program and video editing suite did you use ? Avid cinema kept bombing out, i gave up after 5 agoes, wheras ulead seemed to work first time but wasn't as user friendly.
          Gigabyte GA-8IEXP M/B
          P4 2.4B, 512mb ddr, 120 & 60 GB Hdd
          48x cdrw, dvd-r/ram
          17" tft


          • #6
            Well I did the capturing using avi_io and they did the editing using adobe premier.

            edit: Premier was used in win2k


            • #7
              Use an analogue-DV (and vice-versa) bridge and enjoy the hassle-free pleasure of capturing in reasonably high quality DV under W2k. I did just that, scrapped my Marvel and have never looked back. There is very little difference visible between the same high-quality analogue footage captured via Marvel and via DV. I capture/edit with Ulead MSPro via a Canopus ADVC-100. It's as easy as falling off a horse. If I take two of my old VHS-C tapes of 1 hour each, I can capture them in 2 hours plus a wee bittie for setting them up and starting the deck. If they don't need editing, I can drag the two 12 Gb files into a new timeline, render them into DVD format overnight and record a DVD of them the following morning in about 2 hours (unattended), including 2 x burning, using DVD Movie Factory. It's as simple as that. My 14-y.o. grandson picked the technique up in a few hours, from scratch, when he was over here on a holiday. Now he is transcribing all his favourite VHS movies to DVD at home using similar equipment.
              Brian (the devil incarnate)


              • #8
                i have een abit vp6 2 X 800 and marvel G400 en i have no probleem whit hardware capturing whit w2k
                i have powerdesk 5.39.019 and vt 2.04.05

