I have an old copy, quite bad encoded of a personal footage. This footage is encoded at 29.xxx fps, 320x240 , with no deinterlace performed (and was needed), with divx4 low motion, and looks quite crappy, as you might imagine. However, i was able to save the original movie source (16mm vhs c tape), except for the first 5 minutes. So i recaptured the whole thing, and i want to mix the first 5 min of the crappy movie with the second, good qulity part. However, this part was captured at PAL fps, and i cannot change that. I tried a inverse telecine with virtualdub on the first part, but i get sound out of sync, and 24 fps, which i think doesn't match with 25fps of the PAL.
What do you suggest for mixing the videos? Can i transform the PAL movie in NTSC? I don't really care for the extra frames.
What do you suggest for mixing the videos? Can i transform the PAL movie in NTSC? I don't really care for the extra frames.