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Hitachi's Z-3000/CR-D10 *Pro* DVD-RAM Camcorder
Hitachi's Z-3000/CR-D10 *Pro* DVD-RAM Camcorder
Last edited by Jerry Jones; 11 November 2002, 16:51.Tags: None
Jerrys right. The quality of MPEG-2 edit depends on the profile used.
The MPEG-2 profiles used in consumer gear are usually 4:2:0 main profile @ main level at relatively low bitrates. Pro gear typically uses 4:2:2 profiles with quite high bitrates.
The difference is definitely non-trivial.
Dr. MordridLast edited by Dr Mordrid; 11 November 2002, 18:15.Dr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
What I would like to see is this type of media used in your basic consumer camcorder. And I am not talking about the "gimmick" model that was released earlier this year. I want MiniDV quality with DVD-RAM convenience. Now THAT would be exciting.
Me wants these options:
1. Selectable bit rates, (Tape lingo = sp, ep, etc.)
2. The ability to read both sides of a 9.4 DVD-RAM disc in the camcorder body. None of this, "Disc Full, stop and re-insert the other side for further recording." message.
3. 3 CCD's
Having the ability to keep my original footage on 100+ year media without having to do the transfer dance that I now do will really put some of the fun back into a hobby that is all too filled with mundane necessities that are required to keep my footage secure.Perspective cannot be taught. It must be learned.
Problem is DV on DVD-RAM will only hold about 20 miutes on a 5" single-sided DVD-RAM disk.
You need something that'll give at least 3X compression over DV that maintains editablity.
Since DV is 25 Mbps mpeg2 at 8000 Kpbs might workout OK as a starting point. But as far as I can tell nothing at prosumer prices can edit mpeg very well.
Don't bet the farm on any digital media lasting 100 years without maintainence budgeted to move it as formats become obsolete!
I could live with simple step thru I-frames only with cuts and trims that don't rerender the output file and screw up audio sync.
Sounds simple, Lots of stuff promises it, none of it seems to work reliablely :-(
ADS Instant DVD hardware MPEG2 capture with bundled VideoStudio and/or downloadable MSP templates -- edits are tedious because of poor scrub performance (compared to DV) and often times for mysterious reasons the whole thing is rerendered with horrible quality loss and/or audio is out of sync on the export.