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Marvel G400 / MSP6 / Scrubing delay

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  • Marvel G400 / MSP6 / Scrubing delay

    The solution suggested by Marijn helps, some.

    My ulead32.ini has this setting:

    Fred H
    It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings...

  • #2
    Has the Ulead32.ini file changed so much since MSP 5? Because this is what has been in the FAQs' section all this time:


    Note the semicolon before "HwCodecID=dmb1".

    4. Windows will often grab up to 40% of your RAM as a disk cache. To prevent this load c:\Windows\system.ini into Notepad and look for the [vcache] entry. This is usually empty. Change it to look thus;


    This shtuff was originally written by Mordrid, if it looks familiar to you...

    Deep is not the root word of depression.
    Deep is not the root word of depression.


    • #3
      Marvel G400 / MSP6 / Scrubing delay


      does anybody know the reason for the following behaviour?

      I open an MSP6 project and include some video source files 704x576 Matrox MJPEG coded.

      When I scrub through my timeline it will take some 5-10 seconds after pressing the mouse button before I can move the pointer on the timeline with the pressed mousebutton.

      Once I waited, everything is just fine untill I release the mousebutton. When I scrub again, I also have to wait again.

      Currently I assume this is because the video is read and processed and my K6-III/400 is a bit too slow to find the position that has to be display. Or is it that the system recompresses the video (which should not be neccessary and could be switched off, as it is already compressed).

      Besides this, everything works just fine. I installed out of the box and set the ulead32.ini to the settings recomended on ulead's web page:



      Are they helpfull/neccessary or should I take them out again?

      What about that cutlist thing?

      I use the latest drivers for the Marvel on Win98ME.

      Thanks for a hint,
      Best Regards,

      My setup: not sexy, but stable...
      Mobo: Gigabyte GA-7XIE4 (Irongate)
      Bios: Version FAD beta
      CPU: AMD TB 1300/200FSB
      RAM: 640 MB PC-100 noname
      OS: XP SP1
      Video: Matrox Marvel G400 TV
      Sound: SB Live Value
      Disks: 40GB Maxtor, 120GB Seagate and 80 GB Highpoint RAID0/Samsung


      • #4
        This is a common problem with the Matrox capture hardware. It takes very long (several seconds) to react. The best (and easiest) thing to do is to open a MJPEG file in PCVCR or MS mediaplayer. Don't use that and leave it as it is. Now fire up MSP. As the hardware is now occupied by the PCVCR (or so) Ulead MSP will have to render the file through software. Since it doesn't have to open the hardware drivers this will work much faster. Your preview will however not be as smooth as with the hardware.

        Try and find out.


