I have a Pent3 450 + 256M NT4 (sp5) system currently running Prem 4.2. Recently I upgraded my graphics/vid capt card to a Marvel G400TV which works fine and I can capture avi files using the hardware MJPEG through Matrox's PC-VCR capture software. I would like to upgrade to Prem 5.1c but am not sure whether there are any compatibility problems. Basically I want to import the captured avi's into premiere, edit (incl audio), add transitions/titles + effects, etc and then export seamlessly EITHER back to the DV Camcorder (Panasonic NV-DS99) or to a video recorder. Will premiere 5.1c handle Matrox avi's or do I have to use another file format to import/export?? What other problems have any users had with NT4 and the Marvel?? Any advice would be appreciated before I outlay the cost of the upgrade.
Rob RW
Rob RW